Watch the Highlights from the Youth AND Truth event at SRCC

The Pre-Event Bustle

Youth AND Truth kicks off at Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi on September 4, 2018


The hustle and bustle to get things moving in the right direction began as early as 6 am on the morning of September 4, when college volunteers for the event as well as Isha volunteers arrived. But the real bustling had begun weeks ahead, when volunteers went to several neighboring colleges to invite students and faculty to the event. 


A survey of the pre-event scene outside revealed that students were curious about how this was going to turn out, but there was a certain feeling of trepidation that often accompanies first-time experiences. The volunteers though were in another zone, committed to making the incoming attendees open up by creating a mood of fun and celebration. 


Inside the hall, temperatures were slowly rising. Initially there was mostly a lot of indecipherable “noise” as students had arrived and were just settling down in their respective seating areas. Then when Sounds of Isha started playing music, the noise became more organized as pockets of boys and girls started to sing and dance. Gradually but surely, a sort of “rock concert” feel was building up.


Enter Sadhguru!


When Sadhguru entered, there was a total transformation in the air. As RJ Raunac described it, “The minute Sadhguru entered, the entire auditorium was electrified. Wonderful!” 

There was thumping and chanting of “Youth and Truth!” “Youth and Truth!”, a most fitting welcome to the champion of the hour - Sadhguru. 

As if the voltage in the air wasn’t high enough, Mohit Chauhan’s upbeat “rockstar” renditions accompanied by the uber-energetic Sounds of Isha completely transported the audience to another realm. A sort of primer for what was going to hit them in the next few minutes. And of course, Sadhguru joined in the celebrations by shaking a leg to Mohit’s songs.



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The Searching Begins…

What followed was a Q&A session with a three-student panel followed by opening the floor up to the audience to ask their questions. As much as the students had their own burning questions to ask Sadhguru, there was a general sense of awe and amazement about Sadhguru, which led them to ask many questions about Sadhguru himself and his life: “Why do you sit with one leg up, Sadhguru?” “You are so revered and respected, does that give you a superiority complex?” “When you were in college, did you have to battle between your own dreams and pleasing your parents?”


Many interesting questions such as “Can jealousy be a motivator?”, “Is a goal a beginning or an end?”, "Is PDA (public display of affection) okay?”, “How to prepare the mind and body to become a genius like Ramanujan?” and many more were eagerly brought up by students bubbling with the thirst for answers. Sadhguru, with his usual wit, ease, and enthusiasm, had the young audience in laughs and gasps. 



But he did not miss opportunities to deliver truth in its raw and unadulterated form. Something the social media guzzling youth of today are not very used to. Like when he said that even a donkey runs faster than a horse when its tail is on fire or when he said not to be like a trained circus monkey because you will die one day. There was a sense of silence and dawning realization in the young audience. 

Speaking about life in a very unique way, Sadhguru left them with much to ponder about. When asked why the 112 ft face of Adiyogi was so massive, he expounded on the significance of geometry. He left them lingering on the question about “university or universe” as he signed off on the first “Unplug with Sadhguru” in SRCC, Delhi.

What was planned to be for two hours ended up getting extended to three hours and the students were left wanting more. Their hunger for answers had eclipsed their usual hunger, as the session breached lunch hour and went on past 2 pm.

Watch Some of the Answers from Sadhguru





A Playful Farewell…

As he was leaving the premises, Sadhguru took a quick detour to throw a frisbee even amidst all the hype created by a highly excited student population. A clear display that aliveness and agility have nothing to do with age!



There was a very noticeable difference in composure, clarity and mood among the students. Hesitant and shy faces suddenly became so energetic and many students stopped by to share their experiences. People openly spoke to us about their bisexuality, asked us why this event didn’t happen before and wanted to give messages to the youth who were yet to experience Sadhguru.


What Students Say About “Unplug with Sadhguru”






Youth AND Truth in the Media

A sceptic student from SRCC, Aashna Gupta shares his experience of how he felt inspired and changed from within after attending the Youth AND Truth event with Sadhguru in his college. Read his experience...

LivED It: How I Got Inspired By The World Famous Yogi, Sadhguru at SRCC, By Aashna Gupta, September 6, 2018.

Businessworld, the business news website, featured an article on the September 4 Youth AND Truth event at SRCC. 

Sadhguru At SRCC, Delhi – Celebrating Youth & Truth

Youth and Truth is a month-long tour during which Sadhguru will be going to various educational institutions around India to bring clarity and balance to our youth. The next event is happening in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on September 7.

Editor’s Note: Sadhguru’s answers to questions from social media and at the various events from students and celebrities will be shared every day on our social media channels - Sadhguru Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Stay tuned!

Whether you're struggling with a controversial query, feeling puzzled about a taboo topic, or just burning with a question that no one else is willing to answer, now is your chance to ask! Ask Sadhguru your questions at