Ritesh Malik, Chair of the Canada India Foundation, said, "In Sadhguru, we have a perfect union of understanding the current challenges and finding solutions to the most pressing issues, guided by the wisdom of the ancient Indian spiritual and knowledge systems as well as straight-forward common sense, which unfortunately is not so common anymore." 

Ritesh Malik said Canada can benefit greatly from thought leaders like Sadhguru, whose teachings align with Canada’s own focus on individual wellbeing, sustainability, and inclusivity. "His emphasis on Yoga and meditation aligns perfectly with Canada’s public health priorities, especially in the great challenge to the system offered by mental illness," he further said. 

Sadhguru promises to visit Toronto in the near future and accept the award in person at the CIF Award Gala. Sadhguru dedicated the award prize money to Cauvery Calling, an on-ground Save Soil initiative aiming to revive River Cauvery, which supports 84 million people in southern India.



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