
"Neither health nor joy can be created from outside. There may be external stimuli, but essentially, both come from within." - Sadhguru

Who is this program designed for?

This program is ideally suited to those accustomed to busy lifestyles and a breakneck pace. The program serves as a refreshing pause from day-to-day stress and enables you to re-establish yourself in health and vitality. We have generally found that these programs work best if you are new to Isha or yoga in general. Also, people who have been through an Isha program but have lost touch with Isha find these programs a wonderful opportunity to re-connect with the ashram.

What can you expect from these programs?

During the Program, you will have an opportunity to learn simple strengthening, balancing and relaxing yogic practices. You can undergo Ayurvedic therapies, participate in recreational group games and explore nearby walking trails that border the adjacent forest. You can also be part of the Nadha Aradhana, a profound offering of sound at the Dhyanalinga. The programs also include Sadhguru’s talks, which combine eternal wisdom applied to contemporary situations. You will undergo Ayurvedic therapies which help to detoxify the body and relax the mind. The program also includes a medical consultation with our medical team, who will prescribe appropriate supportive and rejuvenating medicines suited to your unique health conditions, which you can take back home. During the program, you will be given revitalizing tonics for your well-being. At the end of the program, you feel refreshed and de-stressed, carrying back with you memories of time well spent in your quest for health and wellbeing.

Where can I do this program?

Isha Health Solutions, Coimbatore

How can I know more?

Phone: +918300045333, [Time: 9.00am–4.30pm, 7 days a week]

Contact Us: ishahealthsolutions.ishafoundation.org

How can I enroll?

To enroll, click here.



"This program has helped me find a path to my personal well-being. I found I was doing many things wrong in my day-to-day activities, from getting up in the morning to going back to bed. I learnt simple daily regimen which can be easily incorporated in my day. What is amazing is all the methods & principles taught in the program have a scientific basis."

- Saji