சூரிய சக்தி

In many regions in India, this day is celebrated as the beginning of a new year and of spring. Unlike the New Year of the Gregorian calendar, which is not in line with a seasonal marker, Ugadi, Yugadi, or Gudi Padwa as it is called, considers the unique position of the Sun in relation to the Earth on this day. The impact of the Sun on the planet and all life is undeniable, even for our basic survival. If you are interested in raising your consciousness, your relation with the Sun becomes very important. You do not necessarily have to know the movement of the Sun and the planets to meditate or go beyond your limitations. If you become more conscious, you will naturally be aware of the celestial movements.

It is the potter’s wheel of the solar system that has constructed the human system.


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I never planned it that way, but important events in my life always fall on the appropriate day. It takes a conducive atmosphere for certain things to manifest. That conduciveness happens naturally for me – just like flowers blossom in the springtime not because it is their intention but because the atmosphere is conducive. A few species of plants that are very sturdy anyway flower in winter. Similarly, a human being can withstand planetary movements and celestial influences to some extent. But no one can be absolutely free from the impact of these processes. It is the potter’s wheel of the solar system that has constructed the human system.

As Adiyogi stated thousands of years ago – in many ways, the human system has reached a certain peak – on a physiological and neurological level, as well as in terms of its ability to perceive, know, and experience. Human consciousness is still open to evolution. Further evolution of the human body would require dramatic changes in the solar system. The current physical laws of this planetary system do not allow further evolution of the human physiology. Of the one hundred and fourteen chakras in the body, two are outside the physiological framework. If out of the remaining one hundred and twelve, you manage to activate one hundred and eight, the other four will naturally open up. Actual work needs to be done on one hundred and eight chakras. That is why traditionally, there are one hundred and eight beads in a mala, one hundred and eight times you chant a mantra, and one hundred and eight circumambulations of certain energy spaces. This is because there are hundred and eight things that you need to do if you want to have a complete mastery over the human system.

For the next twenty-one days, the impact of the Sun’s energy on our hemisphere is going to be at its peak.

This beautifully reflects in our planetary system. The diameter of the Sun is one hundred and eight times the diameter of the Earth. The distance between the Sun and the Earth is one hundred and eight times the diameter of the Sun. The distance between the Moon and the Earth is one hundred and eight times the diameter of the Moon. The Earth’s orbit is divided into one hundred and eight padas in a year. Planet Earth is arranging itself in the form of hundred and eight beads around the Sun. Accordingly, there are one hundred and eight beads in a mala that you wear. In Indian culture, many aspects of life are based on the understanding of the connection between the celestial system and the human system, its impact on us, and how we can make use of the changes that are happening from moment to moment, day to day.

In the age of modern technology, don’t remain glued to your mobile phone, television, or computer. Go outside, feel the changes in the atmosphere and the corresponding changes within yourself. Any life form – from plants to animals to humans – can fully flourish only if it is in sync with nature. The Sun is going to have a great impact on human energy and consciousness in the coming three weeks. We in Isha have the privilege of delivering the tremendous possibilities that Adiyogi offered to humanity. We must make best use of our time and the natural influences to raise our individual consciousness and that of people around the world.

For the next twenty-one days, the impact of the Sun’s energy on our hemisphere is going to be at its peak. Get your solar batteries charged for your wellbeing and prosperity.

Love & Grace