Goddess Kali – The Fierce One
What is the significance of goddess Kali and her fearsome depiction? Sadhguru speaks about the origins of Kali.

What is the significance of goddess Kali and her fearsome depiction? Sadhguru speaks about the origins of this goddess as a certain energy form created for a specific dimension of life.
Sadhguru: In India, various kinds of gods and especially goddesses have been created. Certain yogis and mystics created particular forms for specific purposes. Some of these forms are pleasant, some fierce, some are very vibrant. There are forms of various kinds, which are meant to be used for specific dimensions of your life. I would say these are different kinds of tools.
To use an analogy, today in the field of education, there are so many well-established branches. But there was a time when education meant everyone learned everything there was to be learned. However, today, different people choose to specialize in different fields. In the same way, these yogis established energy forms in different ways so that the forms are available to people as they need it for certain aspects of their life. And they created a whole system as to how one could access those forms.
Such a science also existed in South America, but their forms are much cruder. They usually created animal forms, which they used to gain power. But in India’s culture, very sophisticated forms were created. If you have the necessary mastery, you can invoke them and incredible things can be done out of that.
Kali – A Fierce Woman
Kali is a very fierce form. You need a different kind of skill to manage a woman like that! In many ways, she is very easily approachable compared to other forms, but at the same time, very, very fierce. When you invite someone very fierce, if you do not know how to manage them, they may eat you up! There are others which are even more fierce and terrible. Usually, the yogis created very fierce forms because these are fierce people – they cannot live with a tame woman. They want someone really wild.
These forms respond to certain processes which attract that kind of energy. Kali is not just an idol or something you believe in. She can become a living reality for you. She can walk in front of you because once an energy body is created, if you want, you can build a physical body over that.
For example, Dhyanalinga is the energy body of the highest kind of being. In theory, it is possible to build a physical body for it. But it involves too much work and it is not worthwhile in the end. What is the point in creating another human being? Right now, the only reason you do not experience me the way I am is because I am in a physical body. I speak like you and I do things like you. If I was in some other form, it would be so much easier for people. Once you see someone as a human being, he has to fit into your logical ways. If he does not, you will not see him as enlightened. You will think he is crazy. So there is no advantage in creating a physical body.
Dhyanalinga includes all dimensions. But Kali is a specific dimension of energy. These yogis created this form and left it loose. It has been enshrined in many places in certain ways, and one can approach it – a very powerful force in the existence.
Kali is not the only one. There are so many of them which are all part of the yogic lore and traditions. Usually, we do not enter those spaces with people because for most people, such things are not needed. Only those who want to do a specific kind of work need to know these things. Others who are just seeking their liberation need not even enter such spaces because there are too many complexities. It is like trying to play the creator.
It is not that it is a bad thing, but it is like putting a child – who has just begun to walk – in a marathon race. He will for sure cause damage to himself. When you are not ready for it, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
Editor’s Note: “Mystic’s Musings” includes more of Sadhguru’s insights on the mystical dimensions of life. Read the free sample or purchase the ebook.