A Book on Death
In this week's Spot, Sadhguru writes about his upcoming book on death. "Of the many things that are happening, the making of a book on Death has been interesting, to say the least."

O f the many things that are happening, the making of a book on Death has been interesting, to say the least. Swami Nisarga, who is in charge of this project Death, or this Book on all you must know about Death, is an Eternalist. To contain him in a meaningful way within the shackles of Mortality is a challenge. Body is a perishable item with an expiry date. Birth being a fatal ailment, no one escapes the release of Death. That, no one shall fail in this life but all shall pass. This assurance of Death is suffered and too many are terrorized by the same.
If you are shy of Death, you will only become shy of life and escape life and its many manifestations, but Death you shall not miss. To know Death, to be able to leverage mortality as an impetus to taste life profoundly, is the purpose of life. Life and Death are not exclusive of each other but inseparable ingredients of one phenomenon. To know the phenomenon beyond the perishable mortal coil, to know life in all its dimensions, Death or the constant awareness of Death is a must. It is only in the awareness of the inevitable nature of Death that you will bite deeper into the fruit of life. A book on Death has been long overdue.