Kalabhairava Ashtakam with Lyrics and Meaning
Kalabhairava Ashtakam is one of Adi Shankaracharya’s most profound compositions, extolling the virtues of Kalabhairava – a fearsome and terrible form of Shiva. Here is the complete chant along with its lyrics and meanings.

Who Is Kalabhairava?
In the Yogic lore, Shiva is said to have 108 different names, each accompanied by a unique form. Each form of Shiva represents a different dimension. One of the most teriifying form of Shiva is Kalabhairava – a fierce warrior adorned with a garland of skulls. Kalabhairava literally means one who is so terrifying that even time is fearful of him. In this form, Shiva is the destroyer of time, a symbolism that is enormously relevant to one who is on the spiritual path.
Kalabhairava Ashtakam
A masterful composition by the revered Adi Shankaracharya, Kalabhairava Ashtakam consists of eight stanzas, a common format of how Sanskrit shlokas are often presented. It exalts the qualities of Kalabhairava, referring to him in each stanza as the glorious one who resides in Kashi, a major holy city in India. Kalabhairava is described as the supreme one whose might and grace can help a person transcend the limitations of both life and death. Even if one does not understand the language, the sounds of the Ashtakam are soothing and uplifting to hear.
Who Wrote Kalabhairava Ashtakam?
This iconic Ashtakam was written by Adi Shankaracharya who was instrumental in disseminating Advaita Vedanta across the Indian subcontinent. He travelled extensively throughout the land, debating and giving discourses wherever he went. Such was his fame and impact on the culture of the time that he has become an indelible icon in the spiritual ethos of the land. Adi Shankaracharya is also credited with organizing the Dashnami monastic order, which still exists as ten akharas or unique spiritual sects. It is said that he authored over 250 different texts on spirituality.
Kalabhairava Ashtakam Song
Here is Sounds of Isha’s rendition of the Kalabhairava Ashtakam:
Kalabhairava Ashtakam with Lyrics In English
व्यालयज्ञसूत्रमिन्दुशेखरं कृपाकरम् ।
नारदादियोगिवृन्दवन्दितं दिगंबरं
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥१॥
deva rāja sevyamāna pāvanāṅghri paṅkajaṃ
vyāla yajña sūtramindu śekharaṃ kṛpākaram
nāradādi yogi vṛnda vanditaṃ digambaraṃ
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
भानुकोटिभास्वरं भवाब्धितारकं परं
नीलकण्ठमीप्सितार्थदायकं त्रिलोचनम् ।
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥२॥
bhānu koṭi bhāsvaraṃ bhavābdhitārakaṃ paraṃ
nīla kaṇṭhamīpsitārtha dāyakaṃ trilocanam
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
श्यामकायमादिदेवमक्षरं निरामयम् ।
भीमविक्रमं प्रभुं विचित्रताण्डवप्रियं
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥३॥
śūla ṭaṅka pāśa daṇḍa pāṇimādi kāraṇaṃ
śyāma kāyamādi devamakṣaraṃ nirāmayam
bhīmavikramaṃ prabhuṃ vicitra tāṇḍava priyaṃ
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
भुक्तिमुक्तिदायकं प्रशस्तचारुविग्रहं
भक्तवत्सलं स्थितं समस्तलोकविग्रहम् ।
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥४॥
bhukti mukti dāyakaṃ praśasta cāru vigrahaṃ
bhakta vatsalaṃ sthitaṃ samasta loka vigraham
vi nikvaṇanmanojña hemakiṅkiṇī lasatkaṭiṃ
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
धर्मसेतुपालकं त्वधर्ममार्गनाशकं
कर्मपाशमोचकं सुशर्मदायकं विभुम् ।
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥५॥
dharma setu pālakaṃ tvadharma mārga nāśakaṃ
karma pāśa mocakaṃ su śarma dāyakaṃ vibhum
svarṇa varṇa śeṣa pāśa śobhitāṅga maṇḍalaṃ
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
नित्यमद्वितीयमिष्टदैवतं निरंजनम् ।
मृत्युदर्पनाशनं करालदंष्ट्रमोक्षणं
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥६॥
ratna pādukā prabhābhi rāma pāda yugmakaṃ
nityamadvitīyamiṣṭa daivataṃ nirañjanam
mṛtyu darpa nāśanaṃ karāla daṃṣṭra mokṣaṇaṃ
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
दृष्टिपातनष्टपापजालमुग्रशासनम् ।
अष्टसिद्धिदायकं कपालमालिकाधरं
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥७॥
aṭṭa hāsa bhinna padmajāṇḍa kośa santatiṃ
dṛṣṭi pāta naṣṭa pāpajālamugra śāsanam
aṣṭa siddhi dāyakaṃ kapāla mālikā dharaṃ
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
भूतसंघनायकं विशालकीर्तिदायकं
काशिवासलोकपुण्यपापशोधकं विभुम् ।
नीतिमार्गकोविदं पुरातनं जगत्पतिं
काशिकापुराधिनाथकालभैरवं भजे ॥८॥
bhūta saṅgha nāyakaṃ viśāla kīrti dāyakaṃ
kāśi vāsa loka puṇya pāpa śodhakaṃ vibhum
nīti mārga kovidaṃ purātanaṃ jagatpatiṃ
kāśikā purādhinātha kālabhairavaṃ bhaje
Kalabhairava Ashtakam Meaning in English
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who is adorned by lotus-feet which is revered and served by Indra (Devaraj), Who wears a snake as a sacred thread, who has the moon on his forehead, who is the abode of mercy, whose praises are sung by Narada and other yogis, and who wears the sky as his raiment.
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who is resplendent like millions of Suns, who absolves the ocean of cycle of rebirth, who is supreme, who has a blue neck, who fulfils one’s desires, who has three-eyes, who is the death of death, who has lotus-like eyes, whose trident supports the world and who is immortal.
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who has a monodent, a spade, a noose and a club in his hands, who is the cause behind the beginning, who has an ash smeared body, Who is the first God, who is imperishable, who is free from illness and health, who is immensely mighty, and who loves the special Tandava dance.
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who is the bestower of desires and salvation, who has an enticing appearance, who is loving to his devotees, who is stable, who takes various manifestations and forms the world, and who has a beautiful golden belt with small melodious bells.
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who is the maintainer of dharma, who is the destroyer of unrighteous paths, who liberates us from the bonds of Karma or deeds, who is splendid, and whose is adorned with golden snakes.
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who has feet adorned by two golden sandals, who has a resplendent shine, who is eternal, who is inimitable, who bestows our desires to us, who is without desires, who destroys the pride of Yama or the God of death, and whose teeth liberate us.
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, whose loud roar is enough to destroy all the manifestations created by the lotus-born Brahma, whose merciful glance is enough to destroy all sins, who bestows the eight-powers, and who wears a garland of skulls.
I sing praise of Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who is the leader of the ghosts and spirits, who showers immense glory, who absolves people dwelling in Kashi both from their sins and virtues, who is splendor, who has shown us the path of righteousness, who is eternal, and who is the lord of the universe.
Kalabhairava Karma Process Registration
Register for the Kalabhairava Karma process with a phone call to +91 83000 83111 or by emailing kbprocess@lingabhairavi.org, info@lingabhairavi.org.
Kalabhairava Shanti Process Registration
Register for the Kalabhairava Shanti process online here or with a phone call to +91 83000 83111 or by emailing kbprocess@lingabhairavi.org, info@lingabhairavi.org.
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