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If someone is hurting and it does not hurt you at all, that means you have forsaken your humanity.
Fear, anger, and hatred essentially come from a lack of perspective as to what life is all about.
Passion is focused on one thing – therefore it burns out at some point. Compassion is all-inclusive – it has so much fuel to burn that it does not die out.
Before we engineer the world, the most important engineering that needs to happen is that you engineer yourself the way you want yourself to be.
Spiritual practice is like food. Food only works for those who eat it. Spiritual practice only works for those who do it.
What your consciousness is intensely focused on is what will manifest in your life and in the world around you.
Whatever you have – your skills, your love, your joy, your ingenuity, your ability to do things – please show it now. Do not try to save it for another lifetime.
When you were a child, you were bursting with joy. Someone had to make you miserable. Today, someone has to make you happy. Time to go back from the muddle of the mind to the exuberance of life.
In mediocrity, there is comfort, but no joy. In going beyond your limits, there is joy, but maybe no comfort. You have to choose.
Whether you have anger, hatred, jealousy, or resentment against someone, essentially, it only works against you.
Inner Engineering
An online program offering tools to take charge of your body, mind, emotions and energies, and live a joyful, fulfilling life.
Isha Kriya
Isha Kriya is a simple yet potent process rooted in the timeless wisdom of the yogic sciences. Offered by Sadhguru, it has the potential to transform the life of anyone willing to invest just 12 minutes a day.
5-Minute Yoga Tools
The only way to experience true wellbeing is to turn inward. This is what yoga means – not up, not out, but in. In is the only way out. – Sadhguru