T oday marks the marriage of beloved Radhe to Sandeep Narayan. So many of you are here today, from different parts of the world, to share in this important moment in their lives. I would like to express my gratitude to many people who have played a significant role in Radhe’s life. Without your constant support, Radhe would not be what she is today. Radhe danced before she walked and it was her mother's dream that she should become a dancer. 

I have been mostly an absentee parent, often traveling, but have somehow managed to keep in touch with Radhe and keep it going. Since she was three years of age, she has been traveling with me on the circuit, mostly on the road, leading a near nomadic life. But whenever we had programs, anywhere, families took care of her for months on end. I am overwhelmed by the love and support that people have showered over the years.

There is beauty in weaving two lives into one. Thinking, living and feeling beyond oneself; making space for another within and without can be a stepping stone to the Ultimate Union.

Love & Blessings


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