There is a certain trajectory to human development and what will happen to the world in the next few decades. In many ways, you will see that individual human beings will be empowered in ways that were never-before imagined possible, because of certain technological developments that are inevitable. If human beings want to enjoy the fruits of science and technology, it will become of paramount importance that internally they are equipped for it. If people are not internally equipped, this external empowerment will be disastrous.

I thought we must do our bit, because in many ways we are more qualified than most to offer solutions. As part of this, we want to unleash a series of things. As every nation plans to produce a certain number of engineers, doctors, soldiers, businessmen, or athletes, it will become imperative for nations to also produce people who can transmit something for inner wellbeing in a proper, scientific way.

To experience something far bigger than yourself, happening through you, is a tremendous possibility.

India probably has a bigger responsibility in creating teachers who can do something for inner wellbeing. It is not just necessary that we produce yoga teachers; at some point, we have to produce yogis. We need people with strong inner experience. This is an onerous responsibility. We are very confident and hopeful that the Isha Yoga Center will offer more than its share of teachers and yogis to the planet because we have done enough groundwork.


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One aspect of Isha Yoga programs has always been to maintain a certain dimension of aliveness in what is being offered. It is not about a teacher delivering a bundle of information, but bringing a live quality into the process. To experience something far bigger than yourself, happening through you, is a tremendous possibility. A woman will deliver a baby and in her experience it is immense because she cannot create life, but it is happening through her. As a teacher, something even more fundamental than physical life can happen through you, even if you have no idea what it is.

Get ready either to become a yoga teacher or a yogi, whichever you choose, because it is no longer a luxury, it is an absolute necessity on this planet.

Most people never get to do anything that is befitting of their own stature. Even fewer get to do that which is far bigger than themselves. Becoming a teacher is an opportunity to do something that is far bigger than you. Isha Yoga teachers have this privilege; people are with them for seven days. How they are the first day and how they are when they leave is incomparable. At least 80 percent of the people have tears of love and joy flowing in their eyes. Many have not shed a single tear for many years, but after a few days, they are looking at you with tears of joy and love. No activity on the planet can give you this level of fulfillment.

There are many things we can do to satisfy ourselves. We can pursue professions, conduct businesses or pursue arts. I am not saying yoga is the only or the best thing that you can do in your life, but in terms of fulfillment, if you really give yourself, you do not have to seek fulfillment in your action anymore. That is how life is.

Towards this end, we are offering an intensive teacher training program this July after the Guru Poornima. This program will be in Tamil for training teachers to conduct Isha Yoga programs in Tamil Nadu. So please get ready either to become a yoga teacher or a yogi, whichever you choose, because it is no longer a luxury, it is an absolute necessity on this planet.

Love & Grace

Tamil Teachers Training program starts on July 9, 2017 (the day after Guru Poornima). Sadhguru will be guiding the process and be present at critical phases of the training. For more details please email or contact your local center coordinator.