Strong as Life Should Be
In this week’s Spot, Sadhguru writes about the deterioration of our genetic structure. “There is substantial scientific evidence to show that within a single generation, the genetic structure of a particular family can deteriorate. It is not because our genes have become weak -- we have become weak.” Sadhguru then tells us how we can regenerate ourselves. Enjoy!

T here is substantial scientific evidence to show that within a single generation, the genetic structure of a particular family can deteriorate. It is not because our genes have become weak -- we have become weak. Because we have become weak, the next generation will be weaker, unless they really strive. Of course, it can always be revived, but whether revival will happen is the question.
One day, you will have an electric car to drive you from your sitting room to your bedroom, and from your bedroom to the office – it may happen. Everything will be at the touch of a button. Touching buttons may also go away. If you verbally speak, everything will get typed and work will be done. You don’t have to use your body or your brains at any great length. So definitely, in a single generation, we can fall dramatically. It is already happening at an alarming rate. Simple physical things that we were capable of doing as children are like a circus for children today. Only the very athletic are able.
I was speaking to an elite group in Chennai. These young couples pride themselves on their fitness -- walking on the treadmill, cycling and of course, all of the ladies are wearing size zero, so they think they are fit. I asked them a simple question, “Suppose you are walking on the street and a tiger came, how many of you could just climb a tree and save your life? Only those who are doing a laborer’s job, like building a road or digging a hole could do it.” They agreed. They may look reasonably fit, but they are not fundamentally strong within themselves. The very sinews of life within have become weak. This weakening is happening dramatically, and as technology makes you do less and less, both in the body and the brain, it becomes a very serious affair. This is probably how we will decimate ourselves, not by bombs, fire or riots. We will just peter out because we won't have the strength to exist by ourselves.
Right now, a lot of people over eighty are on different types of life-support. If we continue to weaken, in fifty years, the age at which human beings need life-support may come down dramatically by ten or fifteen years. This is a serious weakening of the human structure. And the next generation will definitely inherit this genetic structure. This is one of the reasons we set up a yoga center in America, on some 1,300 acres of land. At first, everybody said, “This is crazy Sadhguru, we must buy twenty-five acres next to Atlanta.” But the purpose of the ashram is not just to have a center and meditate; it is to regenerate life.
I want many of you to live on the land, work on the land and become strong as life should be. You can conduct the spiritual process and do life in a way it needs to be done, not the way it is done in New York City or somewhere else – but do life strong. If we don’t do that, we won't have much to say about humanity in the future. I am not saying one ashram is going to save this, this needs to happen in many places. We have to go back to the land. We have to live with the five elements and be exposed to the earth, sky, rain -- these things need to happen. The forces of life are not just within your body; they are everywhere. Without being in communication with all five elements every day, life does not happen strong. We need to live strong. This purpose can be fulfilled with Yoga.