Isha-USA Going into Overdrive
In this week's Spot, Sadhguru writes about the Houston program which attracted 964 participants - the largest to date in the US. He also reflects upon the upcoming elections and the current political state. "Dear USA is once again heading for an Election. When the nation is in need of some steady nurturing, when the people of the nation need to work as one, it is being put through throes of an election campaign - pains of democracy." Enjoy!

D ear USA is once again heading for an Election. When the nation is in need of some steady nurturing, when the people of the nation need to work as one, it is being put through throes of an election campaign - pains of democracy. USA is a classic story of the making of a great nation; of course there is a dark side to it. But ultimately one has to weigh the positives and the negatives, the positives of this great nation fortunately outweigh the negatives. No one has built anything of great value and enormity without relentless and ruthless action. Unfortunate that this is the only way it will work at the present level of consciousness. If someday we have to make a nation out of love and joy, an enormous task of large scale awakening of human consciousness needs to be done.
India as a nation was brought to life largely peacefully, thanks to the political genius of Mahatma Gandhi. But immediately after the birth of independent India, large scale violence broke out and led to the assassination of the apostle of peace. The violence of partition times still simmers on in terms of periodic wars, terror and riots. The wheels of human history till date have always been fed by blood. Will we make the future different is the big question that stares in our face.
Just arrived at the Ashram in Tennessee after a long drive from Houston of nearly a thousand miles in a day. Kind of symbolic as we just concluded an Inner Engineering programme with 964 participants, the largest for USA till date. A wonderful group of people and an outstanding level of organization; hats off to our teachers and volunteers. They have been working for this for the last two months. This effort to conduct Mega Programmes is a serious attempt to ignite a silent revolution of self-realization. The technological empowerment of the human being that leaves us in the physical status of being like super humans is a dangerous possibility if there is no inclusive consciousness. Now one man can do what a thousand could not a hundred years ago, which makes it an express need that humans are not driven by compulsive action. Raising of human consciousness is the most important action that the world needs. This must be done now before it is too late.
Isha-USA will go into an overdrive in the coming year – Buckle up.