7 Quotes on Devotion from Sadhguru
Through these quotes, Sadhguru explains how "true devotion means becoming the hand of the Divine".

ArticleMay 28, 2016
Through these quotes, Sadhguru explains how "true devotion means becoming the hand of the Divine".
True devotion means becoming the hand of the Divine. Whatever comes your way, you will know how to transform it into something beautiful.

For those who have nurtured the fire of devotion within them, there is no light and darkness, no up and down, no joy and misery.
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Bowing down to what seems powerful is natural. Bowing down to what seems weak and worthless – that’s great. That’s devotion.

Devotion is when your involvement with life is so absolute that you yourself do not matter anymore.

Devotion is not a concept, ideology, or act – it is an agent of dissolution.

Intellect wants to conquer the truth. Devotion just embraces the truth.

When devotion arises, life becomes profound.

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