5 Sadhguru Quotes for the New Year
2016 is coming in! Here are 5 quotes from Sadhguru to help you navigate the year and make it a time of inner blossoming.

ArticleDec 27, 2015
2016 is coming in! Here are 5 quotes from Sadhguru to help you navigate the year and make it a time of inner blossoming.
Whatever happens to you, you can either see it as a curse and suffer it, or you can see it as a blessing and make use of it.
Life is just a certain amount of time and energy. Putting this time and energy to maximum use for everyone’s wellbeing is all that matters.
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This is the time of the year to get rid of all the unnecessary things – in your home, your body, mind, emotions – and start life afresh.
Whatever work needs to be done, whatever opportunity comes your way, whatever you have to share – this is the time, not tomorrow.
Do not try to be the best. Just do your best.
Editor's Note: Download the Mystic Quotes app to receive Sadhguru's quote, every day, at a time of your choosing.