What is Enlightenment?
Perhaps one the most frequent queries that consumes a seeker’s mind are the questions “What is enlightenment? Can spiritual practices enlighten me?” Sadhguru, a yogi and mystic with the experience of three enlightened lifetimes, answers these questions.
What is Enlightenment?
What you call “enlightenment” means a conscious self-annihilation.
Sadhguru: In India, enlightened beings have been referred to as Dwijas. Dwija means twice-born. Once, you were born out of your mother’s womb; it happened unconsciously. You did not make it happen – nature did it for you. When you were born, you came with a certain innocence and blissfulness. A child is innocent and blissful by himself. But since this blissfulness did not happen consciously, anybody can corrupt it in no time. In no time they will take it away… For some of you, it was taken away by the time you were 12 or 13 years of age. For many it was already taken away when they were 5 or 6. Children are becoming tense at 5 or 6 today because their innocence gets corrupted in no time, depending upon the volume of influence that people around have on them.