Joyeeta Das Comes to “Life” at Isha Rejuvenation Center
The 21-day Yoga Marga program at Isha Rejuvenation works its magic on Joyeeta Das, leaving her strong, silent and serene.

Joyeeta Das is the CEO and Founder of GYANA.
A serial entrepreneur, TEDx Speaker and a UK Ambassador for Innovation, Joyeeta was shortlisted by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in their run up to the final list of "35 Innovators Under 35."
After spending 21 days at the Isha Rejuvenation Center which offers programs for chronic health conditions, she pens down her experience:
Joyeeta Das: The ashram is a carefully curated amalgamation of intensity, sweetness and balance.
Nature here is wild and beautiful. Animals have reclaimed their terrain. Humans are thriving and meditators… well, they are meditative! Peppered with just that right dose of carefully crafted chaos within an immaculately planned order, Isha Yoga Center is a place like no other.
My 21 days at Isha Rejuvenation have been nothing short of what every Isha encounter always is – mesmerizing. While my body healed, my mind recuperated and my parched, dry soul swam up to the surface to breathe deeply and gulp in few mouthfuls of fresh water.
I feel rejuvenated for sure, I feel energized, no doubt; but above all, I feel restored. The 21-day Yoga Marga program has gently brought me back to my factory settings. Is this how I was meant to be born?
The Rejuvenation volunteers have handled me as gently and graciously as you would handle a flower. Never have I felt so cared for and so guided at the same time. This perfect mix of discipline and freedom gives one enough space for Sadhana while providing a structure for medicinal intake, therapies and Siddha doctor visits. I call them for silly reasons, I make excuses to not drink the bitter potions, I try to make faces – but strangely enough I find myself persuaded to do everything effortlessly.
In the end my body feels supple and my mind is nourished. The Siddha medicines work like a charm and the practices feel deep and miraculously intense! I can sit for hours without any cushion, I can just sit… I can just be…
Towards the end of my program, I just sat down in front of the Nandi sculpture outside Dhyanalinga. I opened my eyes just in time to see dusk beginning to envelop us into its generous velvet embrace. As the colors of the day came to a rest, I found a strange Nandi-like quality permeating me – that of patience. I began to truly cherish the ability to have a body that supports me while I wait, for anything at all in life.
I close my eyes and breathe, just quietly drinking in the sweet nectar of the moment.
Thank you, Sadhguru and Rejuvenation. I had forgotten that simply existing could be such sweet pleasure.
Isha Rejuvenation has brought me back to life.
Editor’s Note: For upcoming programs at Isha Rejuvenation click here.