
In the Lap of The Master with Sadhguru

July 11 - 12, 2022

In the Lap of the Master with Sadhguru will take place on July 11th-12th at Isha Institute of Inner-sciences, followed by a Satsang on Guru Purnima on July 12th evening.

In the Lap of the Master is an immense privilege to be in the Grace of the Guru and soak in the environs of a consecrated space. For a seeker, every opportunity to be in the presence of a living master has the potential to open new doors to deeper dimensions within. The event offers an uncharted time with Sadhguru where he candidly unfolds his knowing and wisdom, subject to who is sitting in front of him.

During this event, a few sessions will be offered by Sadhguru. Participants will also get the opportunity to learn potent and easy-to-practice hatha yoga practices. This event is open to all aged 15 and above.

In the Lap of the Master with Sadhguru

(includes Guru Purnima satsang with Sadhguru)

Dates: July 11-12 (full days)

Check-in: July 10th, 11 am - 9 pm CT.

We expect a large number of participants. Arriving at the earliest on July 10th will help us ensure a smoother check-in and Covid testing. It will also support you to be well rested for the event.

  • Event will begin early morning on July 11th (tentatively 5:30 AM CT), latecomers may not be allowed.

  • Check-in will open tentatively at 4 AM CT. Exact time will be updated closer to the event.

  • Open to everyone, ages 15 & above.

  • Attendance at all sessions is mandatory.

Guru Purnima with Sadhguru

Date: July 12th, 8:30pm-late night 

Check-in: July 12th, 3pm-6:30pm CT

  • Open to all, ages 8 & above.

  • Donate as you can

This event is offered for free. However Isha Foundation incurs considerable costs to facilitate an event of this scale. Your generous contribution will allow us to offset the costs and continue to offer powerful tools for inner transformation to all seekers, fostering a conscious planet for all.

Venue: Isha Institute of Inner-sciences, 951 Isha Lane, McMinnville, TN 37110

Please note that the event will take place outdoors, rain or shine.

Optional Sessions & Activities Available at Isha Institute on July 10th

Adiyogi: The Abode of Yoga is a powerful energy source designed for anyone to enhance their wellbeing in all aspects of life. Visitors may enhance their receptivity to the energies and Grace of the Abode through various offerings and processes, or by simply being in the space. Sitting within the Abode allows one to reach an elevated state of consciousness and know yoga as an inner experience beyond mere knowledge, philosophy, or technique. 

Visit 8:30 AM - 10:00 PM Adiyogi: The Abode of Yoga

Yoga & Meditation Sessions (Optional)

Capacity is limited; please be seated 5 minutes before the session start time. 

  • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM: Aumkar Meditation

  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Guided Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya* (Only for those who have been initiated into Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, Link available after event registration)

  • 6:45 PM - 8:15 PM: Bhuta Shuddhi* (Link available after event registration)

Isha Life Shoppe

Open 8:30 AM - 10:00 PM: Isha Shoppe offers a whole range of yoga, organic clothing, and health products. You can purchase items either at Isha Institute or online at ishalife.com

Living Isha offers the possibility of residing in the sphere of a consecrated space. You can choose from individual homes, apartments, or studios, and craft your life within the grace of an exuberant space. Click here for more information. 

  • A presentation will be offered for those who wish to learn more about Living Isha 4:15 PM - 4:45 PM.

  • Living Isha tours are also available, 11 AM - 7 PM. Meet outside the Welcome Center.

Join Guided Hike to Pristine Forested Trails

Trails feature beautiful waterfalls and meandering spring-fed creeks.

12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Hourly Hikes


With the large number of participants coming together and due to ongoing programs, accommodations at Isha Institute are currently fully booked. Please book hotel accommodations in or near McMinnville, TN. Below are some nearby options:

Travel Information

Air Travel - Please note:

  • Atlanta (3-hour drive) and Chattanooga (1-hour drive) are on Eastern Time. 

  • Nashville (2-hour drive) and Isha Institute are on Central Time. 

  • Make sure to allow extra time for possible flight delays, baggage claim, traffic, etc.

Driving directions: Google Maps and iPhone maps give reliable directions to Isha Institute. The cellular network near Isha Institute is not reliable; please download the map ahead of time.

Shuttles: Shuttle service is provided between Nashville Airport, Isha Institute and specific locations in McMinnville. Click here to book.

Rental Car options: Avis - Click here, Budget - click here

Contact Us

Email : info@ishausa.org

Phone: 931-668-1900