The Isha Institute of Inner-sciences (iii) was graced by the first Pournami Pooja in the US on April 24th, and a three-day sathsang with Sadhguru till the 28th.

Ye Devi!

The Pournami Pooja on the 24th was an extraordinary night of offering, devotion and grace. A celebration of the full moon and the divine feminine, the pooja conducted by the Bhairagini Maas took place in Mahima, which was transformed into the abode of Devi – red and green silk, streaks of kumkum, the scent of jasmine and roses with the warmth of a hundred oil lamps. Offerings of flowers, fruits, coconuts and sweets sat at the front, as Linga Bhairavi stood radiant, fierce and compassionate.

The Pooja was beyond my expectations. The beauty and care taken in creating a lovely atmosphere was incredible. The lamps, the process of entry and the echoing chants reverberated within me. It connected me to Linga Bhairavi in a deep way, to the feminine powers of our world and to the full moon.

Preparations had begun a day before, with dancers and musicians practicing and garlands being made by volunteers. The décor was exquisite! Around 650 attendees participated, some of whom were from Canada. For many in attendance, this was their introduction to Linga Bhairavi. Her powerful presence was impossible to miss, drawing everyone to her. As Sadhguru entered the hall, the process began with chanting, offerings of dance and songs, and the Devi Pooja followed by the Arati. It was incredible to see the tears of love and devotion as she touched so many throughout the night.


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Sadhguru then asked participants to soak in the moonlight outside. Though the moon hid its face behind the clouds, its gentle grace reached all.

Sathsang with Sadhguru

The next day, the 3-1/2 day Sathsang with Sadhguru began with Guru Pooja on the morning of April 25th. Participants had the opportunity to sleep in Mahima throughout the program. One of them shared, “Sleeping in Mahima is such a gift. I love resting in its grace.”

On the first day, Sadhguru spoke about wondering, and about how science and religion have destroyed our ability to simply look around and wonder. Sadhguru asked the participants to spend the evening sitting and simply wondering.

Other themes brought up were death, grief, and how to make this lifetime the last one and liberate oneself from the process of rebirth. Sadhguru shared a poem about cremation and spoke about his trip to Kashi, the sacred city where many choose to die and be cremated.

 “Though there were over 600 participants, at times it felt like the discourse was directed solely at me.” – Ross, Albany, NY

Sadhguru also spoke in depth about sleep. He said that in the US, the vast majority of people are not sleeping properly, missing out on the quality of sleep. He joked that he would release a “Sleep App” for assisted sleep! He led participants through an intense process which concluded by falling asleep “in the lap of the creator,” free of harm and pain. Many people noticed a difference in the quality of their sleep after the process.

On the final day, the topic was largely the upcoming Adiyogi Shrine at iii. Residents had cleared the land right after the plan was announced, as Sadhguru was eager to begin construction immediately. He spoke about the need for this powerful space in the US, and the US’s role as a trendsetter for the world. He hinted about additional plans to raise awareness of the Adiyogi in the US through media such as books and movies. The participants were so enthusiastic, they began donating for the construction on the spot.

A participant shared his experience of spending 3-1/2 days with Sadhguru:

Having never been to a sathsang with Sadhguru, I didn’t know what to expect. It certainly was no pleasure cruise! But the experience was profound and transformational. Sadhguru addressed all the questions and doubts I had, and I never even asked a question aloud. I am excited about the shrine, but I can honestly admit I know nothing about its true magnitude. No doubt it will leave a lasting impression on our whole nation.