Indira Gandhi Award for Environmental Work
In this week’s Spot, Sadhguru shares a bit about receiving the Indira Gandhi Award. “Nice to see there is a genuine concern for the environment at all levels of society. If only you can bring in a sense of urgency, much action can happen. My receiving the Indira Gandhi Award for environmental work, the highest in the country, fortunately brought focus to the award itself.”
This four-day rush of having a 22-hour schedule a day - to India and back - has been rich and varied. Nice to see there is a genuine concern for the environment at all levels of society. If only you can bring in a sense of urgency, much action can happen. My receiving the Indira Gandhi Award for environmental work, the highest in the country, fortunately brought focus to the award itself. There has been a phenomenal media interest due to the nature of the recipient. A felicitation event organized by the India Water Foundation, presided by Smt. Sheilaji - Chief Minister of Delhi, and Bansalji, the Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Water Resources, was a charming and intimate affair with some wonderful, but brief music and scintillating Kathak performances by renowned artists. But of course, it was Sounds of Isha that stole the show with its rhythm and set the attendees dancing…
The guests of honor were extremely generous with their compliments and genuine warmth. My own words were biting as my heart burns when I see the disastrous ecological situation of mega proportions looming in the horizon for the nation, and only tidbit solutions are being talked about. There is no solution for ecological degradation in India and the world without consciously capping the human population. The world’s population was 1.5 billion at the beginning of the 20th century…. today it is reaching towards 7 billion. India had 300 million and is now racing towards 1.2 billion. The UN projections say by 2050 it could be touching 9.5 billion. If we do not control our population consciously, nature will do it in a very cruel manner.
Well, we’re nice but we’re too many. I land in Chennai, and as I drive from the airport, I see neon signs advertising fertility clinics… So much for god-given children! If it is Him, if you know a prayer, please tell him to slow down the production line.