Springtime for Isha
In this week's Spot, Sadhguru writes to us from Europe with an update of the many projects now coming to fruition for Isha worldwide. "Work on the Adi Yogi shrine is already on, to be completed by Spring 2014. Isha Rejuvenation is also in the pipeline. Our mosquito repellent, which is 100% natural, found favor with MIT..." Keep reading to find out more. Enjoy!

A fter a wonderful Bhava Spandana weekend, I am set to leave USA after over 8 weeks, one of my longest stays in USA. It has also been one of the most fruitful trips. We have taken many significant steps in the last few weeks and also very impactful events of much significance. One important aspect is that Inner Engineering Online is set for a big launch in the coming weeks, and the first book to be printed and published in USA, specially crafted for America is finding its feet, the first Inner Engineering Retreat at iii (Isha Institute of Inner-sciences) planned, to name a few. And a few other things developing under wraps. iii is getting on the tourism map of Tennessee state, Tennessee is fast becoming a tourism draw in a big way. Tennessee is also evolving as the favorite for the retirement community. Work on the Adi Yogi shrine is already on, to be completed by Spring 2014. Isha Rejuvenation is also in the pipeline. Our mosquito repellent, which is 100% natural, found favor with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in its entrepreneurial spirit. In many other ways, it has been a very productive 8 weeks.
Arriving at Atlanta airport only to find out that flight to London is late by over 7 hours; could have spent the evening with those at the center, instead a wait at Atlanta, only to take off after 3:30am.
London welcomes me with very bright but crisp weather, allowing for a bit of golf - Wentworth course is a pleasure and my legs truly happy for this 8 mile unwind on the pristine greens. Apart from a few very intimate private talks and meetings, over 600 turn up for the Sathsang. How different they are in the manner of their response from those in USA is amusing, to say the least. Inner Engineering Online gearing to take off in the UK and Europe in the coming months. Off to Brussels and Antwerp for a brisk round of meetings, there are a few things I’ve been working upon for the last few years, they are all taking shape and ready to blossom in the coming months, looks like Spring time for Isha.
Back to London for now, and in Bangalore the day after for a 2-day stay and will be at Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore, after over 9 weeks of many cities and events.
Wish I could fly without airplanes, or rather, airports. Post bin Laden, airports are not pleasure. Looking forward to the monsoon experience, here are a few lines.
Summer Rain
The dark and puffy faced cloud
looks like ready to cry, cry he must
Sheds his tears to unburden and be light
The grounded life sings and dances in delight
Every blessed drop a source of life.