Letter from Singapore
In this week's Spot, Sadhguru writes a letter from Singapore where he just completed the Mystic Eye Program and the "Three Truths of Wellbeing" book launch. Sadhguru takes the time to tell us about the significance of the planetary alignment for spiritual aspirants. "The Sun has moved into Makara, or the house of Capricorn, signifying the beginning of the tropical spring or the ending of inertia that is experienced during the previous month of Margali, where the effervescence of life slows down." Enjoy!

T he Sun has moved into Makara, or the house of Capricorn, signifying the beginning of the tropical spring or the ending of inertia that is experienced during the previous month of Margazhi, where the effervescence of life slows down. This Sankranti is of much more significance than usual, as it also signifies the completion of the Sun’s pole flipping. This fresh solar cycle means a new beginning in more ways than one.
The impact of these events have a certain amount of influence upon the human body and consciousness. Physically, this is a good time to spend as much as possible outdoors to allow the body to soak and rejig itself for an enhanced load of energy and wellbeing.
Very good time to reap maximum benefit from Surya-related practices like Surya Kriya, Kapalabathi, etc. It is also best to consume heat generating food substances like ellu and kollu (sesame and horsegram). The body’s ability to fix all sheetha-related ailments is at its best right now. Asthmatics who have suffered for long could find final relief now.
For all who have any spiritual initiation, particularly for Isha meditators, these coming months can be a special time to hit your best patch. I will go into the details of why this is so in a while.
Still in Singapore, the Mystic Eye day-long event had over 2,000 enrollments, an enthusiastic and disciplined group went through the event very well. We also released “The Three Truths of Wellbeing” book here in an exclusive event at the Ritz Carlton with Paresh Maity and Piyush Gupta (CEO DBS Bank) being the guests of honour.
Just about ready to head for the Jambu Dwipa…
Sankaranti - the transmigration of the Sun from one constellation to the next.
Sheetha - cool.