Read all the episodes in the "Krishna's Guru Dakshina" series. 

Prologue || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Epilogue

Q: Sadhguru, you told us that Sandhipani, Krishna’s Guru, could not handle the situation when his son got kidnapped. Can you explain why even a great master like him could not handle the situation?

Sadhguru: Those who stood out as truly great were not people who could handle everything in their lives. They were people who, no matter what happened, maintained a certain balance and fulfilled the purpose of their lives. The circumstances they faced were always far more extreme, difficult, and challenging compared to what the people you call “normal” go through. In spite of all that, they did not deviate from whatever they held as right within themselves. It is that which makes them great, not that they were fix-alls and do-alls.

There are no fix-alls and do-alls in the world, no matter who they are. Only an immature person will believe that he is a fix-all. One who is seasoned with life knows that many things may not happen the way you want them. Many things may turn against you. Things that you have worked for through your whole life may just collapse for some stupid reason.

It happened in Krishna’s life. People who had proclaimed that they would give their lives for him, suddenly turned around and spat at him. But this did not make him deviate from what he saw as the right thing to do with himself and life around him. It is this that makes a man great. Not that he was a fix-all. There is no fix-all in the world. You thought I am a fix-all. Is that why you are here? I’m not a fix-all either. I am putting my 10 fingers in 20 different holes, trying to plug them. All the time, it is leaking somewhere. It is an eternal circus. But that doesn’t break you. That doesn’t subjugate you. It may kill you, but still, it doesn’t get you away from who you are. It may bring death to you, but it will not destroy you. That’s what makes a person great.

Read all the episodes in the "Krishna's Guru Dakshina" series. 

Prologue || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Epilogue


Editor's Note: Watch the Leela series, for more of Sadhguru’s talks on Krishna.



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