25 Sadhguru Quotes on Leadership, Business & Success
Leading up to INSIGHT 2018, here are 25 quotes from Sadhguru on what it means to be a leader, the meaning of success, and the essence of business.

ArticleNov 20, 2018
Sadhguru Quotes on Being a Leader
- As a leader, your every thought, emotion, and action impacts many lives. It’s extremely important to work on how you are within yourself.
- Being a leader does not mean dominating the situation. It means empowering people to do what they would not have imagined possible.
- Unless a leader displays an infectious level of inspiration, sloth and inertia will prevail.
- As a leader, you build trust when you give yourself 100%, so that people understand with your every action, you stand for them.
Sadhguru Quotes on Leadership
- Leadership should be free of gender. Do not look at a leader as a man or a woman. Look at them for the qualities they exude.
- Integrity, insight, and inclusiveness are the three essential qualities of leadership.
- Leadership is not assertion of yourself. Leadership is the art of fulfilling the aspirations of everyone.
- Leadership should not be an aspiration. It should be a consequence of competence.
- Leadership means partnership, cooperation, mentoring, and support. It does not mean dominance. Dominance is tyranny.
Sadhguru Quotes on Business/Commerce
- Commerce should serve, not lead humanity.
- When you earn people’s love and respect by how you love and respect them, it not only enriches your business – it enriches your life.
- Whatever kind of business you are into, ultimately, there is only one business, that is human wellbeing.
Sadhguru Quotes on Work-Life
- If instead of working up your desires, you enhance your capabilities, you will walk through this life effortlessly, gracefully, doing very well.
- What is possible and what is not is not your business. Nature will decide this. Your business is just to work for what truly matters to you.
- You need to look at why you want a break from work. If you were doing something that you truly care about, would you want a break?
- Whatever work needs to be done, whatever opportunity comes your way, whatever you have to share – this is the time, not tomorrow.
- Only those who work intensely will know the profoundness of restfulness.
- No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that makes it stressful.
- Qualifications only give you entry. It is competence that ultimately works.
Sadhguru Quotes on Success
- Anyone who has built anything successful knows there is no perfect way – it is a constant juggle.
- People are successful not necessarily because they work hard. They just do the right thing.
- What is generally considered as failure deepens your experience of life far more than what you consider as success.
- If your idea of success is just about being ahead of others, you will definitely not explore the full potential of who you are.
- If you want to enjoy success, before you engineer situations, first of all you have to engineer yourself.
- If you want success, the foremost thing is to ensure that you are not the obstacle to it.
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