Students from “Semester at Sea” Visit the Isha Yoga Center
13 students and their counsellor, from the Semester at Sea academic program visited the Isha Yoga Center in March. Their visit was organized by the Travel Corporation of India (TCI).

13 students and their counsellor, from the Semester at Sea academic program visited the Isha Yoga Center in March. Their visit was organized by the Travel Corporation of India (TCI).
The Semester at Sea (SAS) academic program is designed to educate students with the global understanding necessary to become future leaders and effective global citizens. The SAS shipboard environment travels the world while offering co-curricular and extracurricular student activities.
Britney Laufrin, a student, was deeply touched by her experience at the Isha Yoga Center. “It has been a wonderful experience. It was very humbling and you really get to figure out what do you want here and who you are as a person. The meditation has been keeping my mind very clear and very focused.”
Annie Cohen, Resident Director of Semester at Sea, spoke of her visit to the Isha Vidhya rural schools, part of Isha Foundation’s social outreach activities. “Wow! Having the opportunity to go to the rural school was amazing. I was able to see the resources that Isha provides to students in the community to engage in learning in a way that may not have been available earlier. My favourite part was getting a tour by the students. They were so excited and talked about their accomplishments and showed off their school. It was really wonderful not just to experience the school and the children but to be able to see the “Semester at Sea” students really benefit from being in the presence of the Isha Vidhya students and learning from them.”
After leaving the Ashram, Annie sent a follow up email describing her overall experience of the ashram. “The experience I had at the Ashram is indescribable, and I find myself somewhat puzzled and amazed by the feeling it left behind and was stirring up just as we were departing. Thank you so much for all you did for us and for the excitement and enthusiasm you displayed in welcoming us into your home and the incredible place the Isha Yoga Center is. I wanted to say that the IYC will always hold the most special place in my heart and I hope to someday return.”
Jack Maxson recalls how learning Surya Kriya has transformed his idea of what yoga is. “We have been learning Hatha Yoga. We were specifically taught the Surya Kriya practice which was very profound. Every movement has meaning to it. It is great now that I am starting to see it all come together, so I am looking forward to continuing the practice.”
Editor’s Note: If you would like to arrange for a visit to the Isha Yoga Center for your company or group, please contact guestcare ishafoundation org.