Sadhguru and New York Times Bestseller “Inner Engineering” Book Sweep North America
Enjoy highlights and experiences of Sadhguru’s North American tour and release of Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy, already a New York Times Bestseller!

Starting on September 17, Sadhguru embarked on a sweeping 17-city tour of North America to release his first book specifically created for western readers, Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy.
Highlights of the tour included full houses and sold out crowds of 1000-2000+ in venues across the country where audiences had the opportunity to “Meet, Mingle and Meditate” with Sadhguru. At each stop, Sadhguru’s presence touched and inspired many, and also created a meditative buzz in the media. The new release is also receiving acclaim among throngs of readers, including the many who eagerly queued at the end of each event to have their copy signed by Sadhguru.
Further displaying the book’s surging popularity, the title has already reached the New York Times Bestseller List in multiple categories.
Inner Engineering is now available in the US and UK and will launch in India and elsewhere around the world in December 2016.
Below, enjoy a few highlights and attendee experiences from the tour:
Boston, Yale University: September 16-17
There were several signs outside the event center: “Sadhguru’s talk is sold out – No tickets available”. Over a thousand people, young, middle-aged and elderly, were gathering to hear him speak.
“You know, Sadhguru kept saying that you are lucky to be alive. I thought that many times today, and it made me happy.” — 7 year old boy in attendance
Dr. Doolittle, co-director of the Yale program for Medicine, Spirituality, and Religion conversed with Sadhguru on September 16, 2016 at Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Doolittle spoke with Sadhguru about physician burnout, coping with stress and bringing meaning and joy to work.
New York City, The Town Hall in Times Square: September 20
“My experience today with Sadhguru was quite special, quite incredible. I’ve been following him for years, and to feel his physical presence today, his energy, was just incredible. The man has truly opened a channel of bliss and joy within himself, and for the first time, my actually being in his presence, I could feel that without a shadow of a doubt. His humor is always invigorating. Being in his presence was something that really touched my heart. His energy came to life within me.” – Event attendee
Fox News “Spirited Debate” Interview: September 21
Sadhguru with Lauren Green discussed how the ‘Inner Engineering’ book explains the true definition and principles of yoga.
Harvard University Interview: September 21
Sadhguru was at Harvard University for an interview with Jonathan Coslet, Chief Investment Officer of TPG Capital, on "West meets east."
State Theater of New Jersey: September 22
“It was my first-time Sadhguru event. It was wonderful. My whole thought process changed and seeing him, I felt him in my heart. Now I won’t rely on my wife to be joyful; I will be joyful myself!” – Event attendee
Washington D.C., National Theater: September 23
“It sparkled; it was amazing to learn what you are. It was just enlightening and blissful.” – Event attendee
Sarasota, Florida: September 25
“It was his presence… being in his presence was transforming! His presence during the meditation we did… it shakes you, it wakes you up, but at the same time is very, very calming. I will never forget this day, or how it made me feel.” – Event attendee
Austin and Dallas, Texas: September 27-28
“I had always been taught that this life is basically miserable, that you have to pray to get out of this world, and not have a rebirth. This was the first time that I heard that I should enjoy this life, it’s so short, and it’s really all in your hands, you know, it’s how you create it by yourself.” – Event attendee
Los Angeles, Civic Auditorium: October 1
“I had this sense of peace that just came over me. And when Sadhguru first came out onto the stage and started singing, my eyes started tearing.” – Event attendee
Silicon Valley, California: October 2
In California’s Silicon Valley, Sadhguru addressed an audience of nearly 3000, exceeding expectations and marking Isha’s largest public talk event seen in the US so far. Most came from the Bay Area, but some participants came from as far as Idaho to be in Sadhguru’s presence!
Talk at Google: October 3
Sadhguru speaks at Google, talks on "Developing an Inclusive Consciousness," addressing points raised by panel of VPs and Googlers.
Seattle, Benaroya Hall: October 5
“I drove all the way from Portland, to hear him speak in person about things relating to the human system. I wanted to see what it is like to be in his presence, and I really want the book, as soon as possible. I will use it to explore the deeper dimensions of life.” – Event attendee
Vancouver, Queen Elizabeth Theatre: October 6
“I saw a man tonight who has clearly experienced reality, and who knows how to speak about it. I have every confidence in the truths he was expressing, and every confidence that he completely embodies those truths.” – Event attendee
Minneapolis, Orchestra Hall: October 8
“We have a meditation group here, we have followed Sadhguru, watch all of his videos. I’m also here to buy his new book. The thing I like most about him is that he says that if we can change just one person, we can change the world. That’s what I believe. That would be great.” – Event attendee
Nashville, Music City Center: October 9
“I was illuminated with the idea he had just planted within me. Maybe changing the world really is an inside job and it’s all beginning right here in the heart of Tennessee.” – Jenna Wolf interviews Sadhguru in an article published in The Tennessean
Read more about Sadhguru in Nashville
University of Wisconsin – La Crosse: October 12
UW-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow introduced Sadhguru to the audience at this event, which marked Sadhguru’s first time speaking at La Crosse. Various organizations, including the Mayo Clinic, Gundersen Health System, People’s Co-op, UWL Cultural Heritage Association of India (CHAI) and Multicultural Student Services helped in organizing and/or sponsoring the event.
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Hall: October 13
“My experience tonight has been one like no other… to hear a man talk about peace… to hear a man talk about love… to hear a man talk about being in tune with one’s self… those were some of the greatest words that I ever heard. And so I’m grateful to have been able to hear this tonight, and I think all humanity should live to hear this great man.” – Event attendee
Ashok Easwaran covers the Chicago event in this article on, entitled: Don’t vote as part of a tribe, Isha Foundation’s Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev tells Americans.
Editor’s Note: Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy is now available in the US and UK. Order your copy now!