Isha Kriya for the Boys in Blue!
An Isha Volunteer shares his experience of offering the Isha Kriya DVD to all the players and coaching staff of the Indian Cricket team.

S adhguru offers so much to us. Being able to share it with others gives a huge sense of fulfillment. I had Sadhguru's blessings in being able to share the Isha Kriya with the Indian cricket team in Chennai. Apart from handing over the DVDs individually to all the players and the coaching staff, I also got an opportunity to introduce Sadhguru and Isha to the players. Some of them particularly Sehwag, Pathan and Ashwin took keen interest and had a lot of questions and promised that they will definitely watch the DVD.
Later upon checking, Irfan Pathan said that he watched the first part of the DVD and particularly liked the part in which Sadhguru says:
Because we’re Indians, we’re a little liberal with zeroes - after all we invented it.” He promised that he will watch the full DVD and has in fact invited me home to have a screening for his family. So I feel like many of us, the Indian Cricket team is bound to be touched by Sadhguru. Apart from the above experience, the very privilege of introducing Isha to the team and sharing my personal experience was quite amazing.
- Amritanshu Gupta, Isha Volunteer