Highest Truth out in the Green Delhi Center Sathsang with Sadhguru
16 March 2008 was a precious day for the Delhi chapter of Isha Foundation as Sadhguru graced the Delhi Center for a Sathsang and spent quality time with the meditators - a rare opportunity, considering Sadhguru's ever growing engagements and commitments.

16 March 2008 was a precious day for the Delhi chapter of Isha Foundation as Sadhguru graced the Delhi Center for a Sathsang and spent quality time with the meditators - a rare opportunity, considering Sadhguru's ever growing engagements and commitments.
The meet started early in the morning on the lush lawns of the scenic park like garden. Sadhguru enthralled the congregation for more than an hour with his charismatic discourse as the audience, many of who had traveled long distances to be there, hung on his every word.

Sadhguru spoke about the reactions of people and the role of logic in these reactions when spirituality is mentioned. Those who are taking a dismissive attitude are not to be blamed, he said in his characteristic witty way, since spirituality has always been associated with the illogical which may be experienced as threatening in the common limited understanding (and has in consequence historically often resulted in persecution). Given the state of humanity today where we lead ever complicated lives while destroying the very environment that is our habitat, there is an increased need to look inward, he said. He spoke about the selfishness of man who looks to his benefit in every action he performs. Even helping someone without monetary benefit is with the intention of getting a place in heaven, Sadhguru stated.
He further explained that humans are a piece of life just like any other and should live as other species do. The idea that we are special or have a special purpose in life has lead us to mayhem and destruction while we have been unsuccessful in even finding a balance with the very earth that sustains us. This balance is so natural to other creatures that most species, even those with little mental capacity, have been able to live in harmony with their living environment, but somehow this eludes humans, Sadhguru said.
After the talk, Sadhguru led all through a short powerful meditation that put everyone in an elevated state before he went on to comprehensively answer questions from the audience. The Delhi audience bid Sadhguru an emotional, tearful farewell as he left the Center, but not before he took the time to bless all who approached him. The morning ended with the volunteers arranging an excellent potluck brunch for all.