S adhguru’s schedule last week saw him speaking at two of the most prestigious business schools in the world. First Sadhguru was featured in the talk “Ambition to Vision” at the London Business School (LBS), and a few days later he spoke at IMD in Lausanne Switzerland.

An excerpt from Sadhguru’s talk at LBS:


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Question: What is your personal definition of true success?

When success or failure make no difference for you, you are a true success. When the result of an event has no impact on you, both ways you are blissed out, you’re a success. When the fruit of the action does not determine how you are, it’s just that you do things because of the exuberance of what you do, then you are a success. The result may depend on a variety of things. Results are not always yours. For any result to happen, whether it’s in a game or life situations, there are various factors involved, not all of it is in our control. But, what is in our control is either we did our best, or we do not do our best.

Sadhguru at IMD 

A volunteer shares about Sadhguru’s visit to IMD:

“It had been a month since we had been working on organizing Sadhguru’s visit to Switzerland.

IMD is among the top three business schools in the world and is set at a beautiful location facing the lake in Lausanne with the mountains in the distance. It was a first for this school to welcome a yogi on their campus and how many people would attend was a big question. The answer was simply overwhelming – as soon as the doors opened, people filled the theater, seat by seat, until there were no more available. The expectation and curiosity was palpable.

IMD’s director opened the conference talking about his enriching exchange with Sadhguru and the perspective of a collaboration with Isha in the near future.

Then it was Sadhguru’s turn to take the stage. It took him no time to captivate the attention of all that were attending. People listened with great attention, laughed and pondered at the new perspectives that were offered. We could feel the audience that was at first a little closed, rapidly opening themselves to Sadhguru and what he had to say to them.

Time seemed to fly and after a question and answer session, the talk was over. It all went too fast and as someone said: “I could have listened to him the whole afternoon!” We could overhear the discussions as people were walking out of the theater: “Wow, I never thought of management like this!” “I really didn’t know what to expect, but this was really interesting and I really want to know more.” Sadhguru clearly left a big impression. 

We are so grateful to have been able to welcome Sadhguru here and can’t wait to discover what he is gearing up for Isha in Switzerland.

Updated on 3rd April 2012