Grace of Yoga with Sadhguru - Mahashivratri - 2023

Both the 4-day or the 2-day programs start on 15 February 2023

Here are 7 reasons you need to register now!

1. It’s also Available Online!

Can’t make it to Isha Yoga Center on Mahashivratri? No problem! Connect with Sadhguru right from your home with just a click of a button, and immerse yourself for a super-charged experience. Make use of this unparalleled opportunity to cleanse the five elements and explore elemental magic under Sadhguru’s guidance.

2. Flexible Sessions According to Your Time Zone

Are you living in the US, Europe, or all the way across the International Date Line? No worries! Wherever you are, you can still participate in the program by attending one of the deferred sessions that will be available across 5 different time zones – as per your convenience.

3. Multiple Languages Supported

Explore elemental magic with Sadhguru in your own language! Whether you are attending the 4-day program or the 2-day program, the entire “In the Grace of Yoga 2023” will be available in English, Hindi, Telugu, Spanish, Russian, German, and French.

4. Powerful Guided Meditations

Experience powerful guided meditations offered by Sadhguru, where he will take you through fundamental aspects of Yoga, leaving a profound and lasting impact on both your general wellbeing and spiritual practice.

5. Exclusive Sessions with Sadhguru

As part of the program, Sadhguru offers four exclusive sessions – including Pancha Bhuta Kriya – that are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be in the presence of a realized master as he personally guides you through deeper aspects of the Yogic sciences.

6. A Mind-blowing Pancha Bhuta Kriya Experience

Do not miss this unique opportunity to participate in a special Pancha Bhuta Kriya with Sadhguru on the powerful day of Mahashivratri. Benefit from the powerfully transormative Yogic process of bhuta shuddhi - or cleansing of elements - which would otherwise require intense sadhana.

7. The program is highly recommended by participants from previous years.

Here’s a taste of the online program from participants of the 2022 “In the Grace of Yoga.”

“I was incredibly energized and alive after the program. My body & mind felt at complete ease.” – Aleksandra Ratmanova

“I just tried this program as an experiment with an open mind. It assisted me in going deep within myself; I felt so light and I felt connected to everything around me. I am extremely grateful to Sadhguru for this opportunity.” – Sergei

“The ‘In the Grace of Yoga’ program was the vehicle that propelled me to grow spiritually. Right from waking up at dawn, and consuming positive pranic foods to being in consecrated spaces was so invigorating and strengthened me greatly. After attending the Pancha Bhuta Kriya, I felt a completely different level of cleansing.” – Jayasurya

Editor's Note: Click here to Register Now.


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