Thaipoosam was celebrated in grand style at the Isha Yoga Center on 27 January.  We present a poem in pictures, that captures the revelry and joie de vivre that permeated the many events at the Yoga Center.


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O’ crimson beauty, giver of fortune
Three-eyed one, passion in my veins
Fierce one melts as the devout gather
Offered at the feet of a benevolent mother
Grain and gram, love and tears
Coconuts shattered as hearts overflow
Sacred pool, will you thaw this crust?
Gifts to those that tend to us every day
Succor and sustenance to the hungry ones
An afternoon of feasting for seekers of much more
All this exuberance is but a play
Even hard stone prostrates at a temple door
Spears fly in a show of gallantry
Fires dance on a full moon night
Emptiness resonates to a chorus of voices
Bowing down before She who gently dissolved
Commune with a Master, at the altar of a goddess
As He reverberates in the sound of silence
Drop in an ocean, sky in a breath of air

The Linga Bhairavi Temple hosted day-long festivities, including an exuberant concert by Sounds of Isha, offerings of grains by over 5,500 women in completion of their powerful 21-day Shivangi sadhana and a Dhaanya Arpana Arati.

Over 6,000 men were initiated into Shivanga sadhana, both at the Yoga Center and across the world.  Apart from this, the Suryakund – for the first time since its consecration – was opened for men to have a dip.

In the afternoon, residents, volunteers, guests and children came together to serve lunch to the sevadhars, who work and fulfill various skilled and manual jobs at the Isha Yoga Center.

We also marked the sixteenth anniversary of the mahasamadhi of Sadhguru’s wife Viji, with special songs in her honour, and gifts of saris to the women sevadhars, as an expression of our gratitude and love.

In the evening, there was a sathsang with Sadhguru for all the 5,500 Shivangi sadhana participants, and another 3,000 guests and residents. Sadhguru spoke about devotion and how it is a powerful path for a person to go beyond all limitations. He also entrusted the participants with the responsibility of conducting themselves in the best possible way.