The Beauty of Motherhood is not a certain capability but willingness to include. -Sadhguru

Sadhguru's quote on motherhood

Being a mother is not about reproduction – you are creating the next generation of people. This is a tremendous responsibility. -Sadhguru

You don’t have to be super smart for your child to grow up well. You just have to be joyful, loving, and straight with them. -Sadhguru

The beauty of motherhood is not in reproduction but in inclusion – to experience another life as a part of yourself.

Sadhguru's quote on inclusion of motherhood

If you make yourself into something truly wonderful, your children will look up and listen to you.

We need to raise our children to be true contributions to the world. The next generation should be better than us.

My mother set the ambience for me, without which I would not be what I am. Motherhood is not of biology but of unconditional inclusion. -Sadhguru

Sadhguru's quote on his own mother and her ability to include

You don't have to be super smart for your child to grow up well. You just have to be joyful, loving and straight. -Sadhguru

Sadhguru's quote on the importance for mothers to be loving

If you make yourself into something truly wonderful, your children will look up and listen to you. -Sadhguru


We need to raise our children to be true contributions to the world. The next generation should be better than us. -Sadhguru

Sadhguru's quote on the importance for the next generation to be better than us

Your parents gave you a human body. After that, whether you want to get raised by them or you want to grow up should be your choice. -Sadhguru

Sadhguru's quote on the importance for children to grow and not only to be raised

The sweetest part of having children is when they are growing up. This is the time when you should overflow with sweetness. -Sadhguru

For integrity to flourish in society, we have to nurture it – within ourselves, in our children, in our education systems. -Sadhguru

Children don’t listen to you. They observe you. -Sadhguru

One significant thing that you can do for your children is to invest some time into taking them out into Nature. -Sadhguru

There is nothing romantic about childhood. Children can enjoy their childhood only if the adults create the necessary atmosphere. -Sadhguru

We need to raise our children to be true contributions to the world. The next generation should be better than us. -Sadhguru

When you claim authority over your children, you lose their friendship. -Sadhguru

When a child enters your life, it is time to learn, not to teach. -Sadhguru

If you have children, first of all, you have to establish integrity. Your words and your actions should match. -Sadhguru

If you have a child, all you have to do is create a loving, supportive, and invigorating atmosphere. -Sadhguru

Love, affection, and respect must be earned, not expected. Especially in a parent-child relationship, this is important. -Sadhguru

A child is closer to life than you are. When a child comes into your life, it is time to relearn life, not teach them your ways. -Sadhguru

Parents should get off their pedestal and start treating children as equals. This has to happen right from early childhood. -Sadhguru

If you really want your child to blossom, you need to first transform yourself into a loving, joyful, and peaceful being. -Sadhguru

Our children are the future of the world. It is not about what we can get out of them – it is about how we can empower them. -Sadhguru

We must stop influencing our children and start supporting them by creating a loving, joyful, and intelligent atmosphere. -Sadhguru

You do not have to ‘raise’ children. You have to give them space, love, and support to grow. Every human being is capable of a unique possibility. -Sadhguru

Editor's Note: Sadhguru explains how Mother's Day is a time to be grateful and appreciate not just our mothers, but every single aspect of creation because if you look closely, there isn’t one thing in creation without which we can exist.


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