Sadhguru’s Painting Auctioned For Rs 4.14 Crore
To raise funds for COVID-related social outreach efforts, Sadhguru’s painting has been auctioned for Rs 4.14 crore. The donation will help Isha support financially deprived communities.
COVID-19 has created challenges for every nation and community across the globe. But perhaps the greatest burden has fallen on the financially deprived communities, who may lack food and the basic essentials of life during this difficult time.
Isha is reaching out to these communities and individuals in Tamil Nadu to provide regular meals and groceries. Isha volunteers are also setting up healthcare facilities, and assisting the government authorities with equipment and in raising awareness.
To help raise funds for this massive outreach effort, Sadhguru has donated his painting titled “To Live Totally!” to the cause. The painting was auctioned and a donor offered Rs 4.14 crore, which will now be used to support the outreach effort.
Sadhguru has said, “Though the government and the administrations are doing much to reach out to the poorest of the poor in society, still many shall fall through the cracks. It is the responsibility of every citizen to ensure nobody goes into starvation mode.”
This donation will help ensure that many thousands of people who would otherwise be forced to the brink of starvation, can now receive nourishment and basic healthcare.
The donation will also help Isha provide protective equipment for the COVID warriors such as doctors, nurses and police officers, who are risking their lives for the good of the community.
Editor’s Note: If someone is moving towards starvation, and you are unable to offer help, please call the Isha helpline at 83000 83000 which will activate Isha volunteers in the local area to provide additional support. Join us in our mission to protect vulnerable groups. Donate at