Preparing Children not for the University but for the Universe

At a time when modern education is geared towards inculcating information, which is always subject to social, economic and technological changes, Sadhguru Gurukulam Samskriti is an education system dedicated to a child’s overall development, enabling them to realize their full potential – physically, mentally and spiritually.

Envisioned by Sadhguru as an offering to children, Samskriti allows them to explore their innate capabilities rather than imposing merely informative education on them. Located at the Isha Yoga Center, an ashram set in the serene foothills of the Velliangiri Mountains near Coimbatore, India, it provides an ideal environment for children to unfold in harmony within themselves and with the world around them.

A unique blend of Yogic practices, Indian classical arts such as Bharatanatyam and Classical Music, and martial arts such as Kalaripayattu, which owes its roots to Dhanurveda, bring balance and stability to the child’s body and mind. These intricate art forms have been used for thousands of years not as an entertainment or a hobby, but as a spiritual process. Samskrit – a language unparalleled in its spiritual significance, forms a major part of their learning process. The children also study English and basic Mathematics.

In an atmosphere of dedication, discipline and focus, each aspect of the child’s lifestyle is carefully chosen to orient them towards their inner nature. Children begin between the ages of 7 to 8 and receive a life-oriented education until the age of 18. The children develop into dynamic, capable and dedicated human beings – human beings whose presence will be a blessing to the world.

For further information,
Call: +91-0422 2515480, +91-9442616138 

“The most important work on the planet is to raise human consciousness. Sadhguru Gurukulam Samskriti is an endeavor to allow children to flower into their ultimate possibility of consciousness and capability.” - Sadhguru