
Terms of Service

Effective Date: 16 December, 2022

Isha Health Solutions under the aegis of Isha Foundation (“the Organisation”) has been established to allow an individual to experience inner peace and the joy of a healthy body through a unique and powerful set of offerings (“Program/Treatment”). These include residential programs, online programs, in-person and online consultations, as well as Ayurvedic and Siddha therapies and Yogic practices. This Terms of Service constitutes an Agreement between the Organisation and you (or the “Participant/Patient”) and governs your engagement with Isha Health Solutions. Please read the Terms of Service carefully and by participating in programs, consultations and/or undergoing treatments offered by Isha Health Solutions, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you are accepting these Terms of Service on behalf of another person (the “Dependent”), as such Dependent’s legal guardian, caretaker, or custodian, you agree to the terms, conditions and notices contained or referenced herein on behalf of such Dependent.

Please note the following:

  1. None of the Programs/Treatments offered by Isha Health Solutions, including Online Consultations, are for emergency or urgent medical matters. For all urgent or emergency matters that you believe may immediately affect your health, you must immediately call your state’s emergency services or go to the nearest hospital.

  2. Online Consultations and Programs are available only for Indian Residents:

    a. Only Indian cards and Indian methods of payment are accepted in this case; and

    b. Payment must be made using Your debit/credit card, Netbanking, Wallet & UPI in this case.

(1) The Participant/Patient understands that the systems of Ayurveda and Siddha involves careful analysis (requiring detailed personal information), treatments that include dietary and lifestyle advice/restrictions, internal medication which may be a combination of herbal, metallic, mineral and/or animal products etc., Ayurvedic and Siddha therapies including abhyangam, udvartanam, elakizhi, podikizhi, takradhara, shirodhara, pizhichil, navarakizhi, sarvangadhara, ekangadhara, snehapanam, svedanam, vamanam, virechanam, vasti, nasyam, raktamokshanam, shirovasti, shirolepam and other such therapies, meditation and Kriyas, Hatha Yoga, Nada Yoga, and any other process depending upon Isha Health Solutions’s judgement of the Participant/Patient’s specific medical need. Also, different bhuta shuddhi processes and certain other processes may be recommended.

(2) The Participant/Patient undertakes to truthfully share all their past and current medical information with Isha Health Solutions and agrees not to hold back any information. It is also the responsibility of the Participant/Patient to keep Isha Health Solutions informed of any persisting medical condition or any medical treatment currently being undertaken by the Participant/Patient. Isha Health Solutions reserves the right to cancel any Program/Treatment and disqualify the Participant/Patient before commencement or during, on account of any such withholding of pertinent medical information. There will be no refund for such cancellations.

(3) The Participant/Patient understands that if he/she fails to inform Isha Health Solutions about his/her complete and accurate medical history, neither Isha Health Solutions nor any of its physicians/volunteers/staff shall in any manner be held responsible for any potential harm or side effect which results from the Program/Treatment undertaken by the Participant/Patient.

(4) The Participant/Patient understands that presence of the Participant/Patient during the consultation is a mandatory requirement. If the Participant/Patient is not present or if there are any delays in reporting for the consultation, the appointment will be canceled immediately with no refunds.

(5) The Programs/Treatments offered by Isha Health Solutions have been carefully crafted with a comprehensive understanding of the therapeutic effects of different herbs and medicinal oils and offer a series of health benefits. However, the Participant/Patient understands that in certain cases, depending on the constitution and body type of each individual, the treatment may aggravate existing injuries and/or pre-existing chronic problems.

(6) During the course of the Program/Treatment, there could be adverse effects and/or discomfort while undergoing and/or after the Program/Treatment and that these adverse effects or discomforts are more often than not due to the state of the Participant/Patient’s own health and may get corrected as he/she continues to follow the advice prescribed.

(7) The treatments offered by Isha Health Solutions may take time to show effect, and depending on the Participant/Patient’s condition, the benefits to be accrued from this treatment can take many days/weeks/months and perhaps even years. Further courses of treatment periodically may also be necessary based on the individual’s condition. Additionally, the Participant/ Patient agrees that they may be required to attend certain programs for their treatment, payments for which shall be made in person.

(8) The Participant/Patient also understands that irrespective of previous medical conditions, their future medical circumstances may change. The effect of the Program/Treatment offered by Isha Health Solutions may vary from individual to individual depending on the nature and the body constitution of the Participant/Patient concerned. Neither Isha Health Solutions nor any of its physicians/volunteer/staff, shall in any manner be held responsible for any potential harm or side effect, which results from the Program/Treatment undertaken by the Participant/Patient.

(9) The Participant/Patient understands that, in cases of certain chronic ailments, they may be required to continue any conventional allopathic medicines already in use. Allopathic medication has to be continued based on the advice of the Participant/Patient’s allopathic doctor, and that if he/she chooses to discontinue any allopathic medication, it has to be under the guidance of his/her allopathic doctor and Isha Health Solutions shall not be held responsible for any consequences in that regard.

(10) The Participant/Patient understands that in order to gain maximum benefit from the Program/Treatment offered by Isha Health Solutions, they will have to strictly adhere to the given advice. Any deviation from such advice may compromise the efficacy of the Program/Treatment. The Participant/Patient is further aware that Isha Health Solutions, including its physicians, staff and volunteers cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects that may have arisen as a result of the Participant/Patient’s disregard to any of the advice and instructions given to them. Furthermore, Isha Health Solutions reserves the right to ask the Participant/Patient to discontinue the Program/Treatment if it becomes aware of any defiance and in such cases, there shall be no refund.

(11) Participants/Patients under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a legal guardian throughout the duration of the Program/Treatment. The legal guardian must give consent for the Program/Treatment, and must co-sign all required forms.

(12) The Participant/Patient agrees not to share and disclose the contents, either directly or indirectly, any of the contents of any of the Programs/Treatments offered by Isha with anyone.

(13) Any misbehavior, misdemeanor or inappropriate behavior during the course of the Program/Treatment, on the part of the Participant/Patient, shall result in immediate termination of the session and cancellation of the Program/Treatment and there shall be no refund.

(14) The Participant/Patient understands that in cases of unforeseen circumstances, Isha Health Solutions reserves the right to cancel any of the Programs/Treatments without stating any reason. In such an event, depending on the circumstances, rescheduling will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

(15) The Participant/Patient is aware that Isha Health Solutions is not equipped to handle any emergency or surgical conditions. If necessary, Participants/Patients may be shifted to the closest allopathic hospital, which is approximately an hour away. The Participant/Patient understands that diagnosis and treatment at the allopathic hospital shall be rendered as per the hospital’s protocol and that the Participant/Patient shall bear all hospital expenses. Isha Health Solutions shall not be held responsible or liable in such cases.

(16) To the fullest extent not prohibited by law, the Participant/Patient agrees to indemnify Isha Health Solutions against any and all claims, actions, lawsuits, judgements, losses and damages arising out of or relating to their participation in any of the Program/Treatment provided by Isha Health Solutions and accepts all risks.

Cancellation and Refund Policies:

Refunds will only be made for cancellations done in accordance with clauses 16 to 26, as mentioned below:

General Refund Policies:

(17) Isha Health Solutions follows a policy of No Refund for No Show.

(18) The Participant/Patient shall be required to initiate cancellation and/or refund by sending an email request from their registered email address, as per the time window mentioned below, along with the refund form and supporting documents required for the same. There will be no refunds for cancellation requests initiated outside the time window mentioned.

(19) Refunds shall be processed within 30 days from the date of request from the registered email address of the Participant/Patient.

For In-person/Online Consultations:

(20) In-person and online consultations are not interchangeable. There shall be no refund for cancellations for in-person/online consultations under any circumstance. However, if an in-person/online consultation is cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the appointment time given, it can be rescheduled to another mutually convenient time and date within a maximum period of 21 days. If an appointment is cancelled without a 24-hour notice period, the Patient shall book a new consultation appointment.

(21) Any change of consultation category/transfer of consultation after payment will be done in accordance with clauses 21 to 23 only.

(22) Any change of consultation category/transfer of consultation is subject to screening and approval from Isha Health Solutions.

(23) Any change of consultation category or transfer of consultation will be allowed only once.

(24) For any change of consultation category/transfer of consultation, the Participant/Patient has to fill out the health assessment form afresh and pay the difference in fee between the categories.

(25) Transfer of consultation to another individual without additional fee is allowed upto 24 hours prior to the start date of the consultation appointment. This is allowed only for the same consultation category and consultation appointment.

(26) Change of consultation category is subject to availability. However, if the new category fee is higher, the Participant/Patient has to pay the difference in fee. If the new category fee is lower, the difference in fee will not be refunded.

For Programs:

(27) There will be a 90% refund for cancellations 30 days prior to the start date of the program.

(28) There will be a 50% refund for cancellations 15-29 days prior to the start date of the program.

(29) There will be no refund for cancellations 14 days prior to the start date of the program.

For Therapy-treatments in Isha Panchakarma program, Yoga Marga program, Yoga Chikitsa, Joint and Musculoskeletal Disorder Management Program:

(30) For cancellations of a therapy-treatment scheduled for a specified number of days, the Participant/Patient will be entitled for a refund of the therapy-treatment fee for the remaining days, excluding the day after cancellation, irrespective of the reasons or circumstances for such cancellations.

For Therapy-treatments to Outpatients:

(31) For cancellations done up to 48 hours prior to the start date and time of the therapy-treatment, the Participant/Patient shall be entitled to a 70% refund of the therapy-treatment fee.

(32) For cancellations done up to 24 hours prior to the start date and time of the therapy-treatment, the Participant/Patient shall be entitled to a 50% refund of the therapy-treatment fee.

(33) Requests for rescheduling of therapy-treatment shall be entertained up to 3 days prior to the start date of the therapy-treatment. No rescheduling will be possible after that.

Policy for Change of Program/Transfer of Program/Change of Program Package:

(34) Any change of Program/Transfer of program/change of program package will be done in accordance with clauses 34 to 38 only.

(35) Any change of program package/transfer of program is subject to screening and approval from Isha Health Solutions.

(36) For any change of program, the Participant/Patient has to cancel the registration and start a fresh registration for a new program.

(37) Transfer of program registration to another individual is allowed 7 days prior to the start date of the program with an additional payment of 10% of the program fees. This is allowed only for the same program package and program dates.

(38) Change of program package is subject to availability. Only upgrades of packages may be available.

(39) The Participant/Patient understands that Isha Health Solutions provides them the ability to pay online through a third-party payment gateway for some of the Programs/Treatments available. If the Participant/Patient chooses to pay online, they may be directed to a third-party payment gateway to enable processing of the payment. This transaction will be governed by the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of the third-party payment gateway. Isha Health Solutions shall not be liable (a) if any transaction does not fructify or may not be completed or (b) for any failure on part of the bank or credit card or the third-party site or agency to perform any of its obligations or (c) in respect of any loss or damage directly or indirectly arising out of the decline or acceptance of authorisation for any transaction, for any reason whatsoever.

(40) Isha Health Solutions values the Participant/Patient’s privacy, recognises the importance of maintaining their privacy and appreciates the trust that they have in us. Isha Foundation’s Privacy Policy describes how we treat user information that we collect. By visiting and/or using our website, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

(41) Isha Health Solutions respects the privacy of Participants/Patients and understands that information about them, their health and their health care is sensitive. Isha Health Solutions will not sell or rent any of the Participant’s/Patient’s personally identifiable information obtained within this website, or otherwise.

(42) These Terms will be subject to and construed in accordance with the laws of India and courts of Coimbatore will have jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of this.

(43) Isha Health Solutions may change, update, add or remove provisions of these Terms of Service at any time. The Participant/Patient will be informed of the changes and they will be given an option to accept the new Terms of Service.

(44) Even after termination, these Terms of Service will remain in effect such that all terms that by their nature may survive termination will survive such termination.

(45) The Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy and the Consent form make up the entire agreement between the Participant/Patient and Isha Health Solutions.