The Business of Wellbeing – the First ‘Invest in Consciousness’ meet at iii
On May 29th, a group of 75 business owners, entrepreneurs, investors and managers with a wide variety of skills and talents came together at iii, to explore a new method of supporting Isha’s mission of creating wellbeing through raising human consciousness.

With what you get, you can make a living. Only with what you give, you can make a life."
On May 29th, a group of 75 business owners, entrepreneurs, investors and managers with a wide variety of skills and talents came together at iii, to explore a new method of supporting Isha's mission of creating wellbeing through raising human consciousness.
Key projects were discussed that would support Isha's objectives while also allowing the entrepreneur, investor and business professional to achieve the right returns for their effort and investment. These included core projects that dealt directly with the dissemination of the tools for wellbeing created by Sadhguru, as well as supporting projects that would enhance the variety and exuberance of Isha’s presence around the country. The attendees were excited to look at the possibilities in which they could participate in Isha's work while being able to meet their financial obligations.
New ideas and ventures were proposed. As they were breaking into smaller groups within Mahima, Sadhguru walked in and joined in the discussion. He answered questions and helped set a direction for the group. With the clarity that he provided, people were able to see the ways they could be involved and resolved to come up with detailed plans on the various projects.
Irrespective of what the nature of their immediate business may be, in reality there is only one business – the business of human wellbeing. Whatever you are doing, fundamentally, you are doing it for human wellbeing, it is just everyone’s scale and scope that is different. For one person, human wellbeing means their wellbeing alone. For another person, it includes their family; for another, it includes their community, nation or race. For another, it includes everyone and everything on the planet."