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“Health is not just being disease-free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with life.” —Sadhguru

Isha Panchakarma

Qualified Ayurvedic vaidyas and therapists administer treatments ranging from therapeutic massages to more rigorous modes of elimination therapies. Based on Sadhguru’s guidance, Isha Panchakarma is strongly rooted in ancient traditions and classical methods, while keeping in mind contemporary preferences and comforts. Be it a carefully monitored Ayurvedic meal or a traditional massage, your body and mind undergo a holistic metamorphosis in the pristine environment of the Isha Yoga Center, a consecrated space that is soaked in the powerful energies of the Dhyanalinga. This creates a highly conducive atmosphere for the body to naturally come to a state of ease. It also helps unlock one's potential and awakens a new sense of vitality, contributing to a much deeper level of wellbeing.

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"After the Pancha Karma program, I feel very light in the body. Now, I am comfortably able to manage Yoga. Even though the program is expensive, the benefits of the program make me feel, "Yes, it is worth it!". I see a significant improvement in the ailment I came with. I even look and feel healthier. It was an intense program, but the effort and time was well worth it."

- Monisha