
Donate to Isha Foundation - Online and Offline

With what you get, you can make a living. Only with what you give, you can make a life. – Sadhguru 

Donate to Isha Foundation - Online and Offline

With what you get, you can make a living. Only with what you give, you can make a life. – Sadhguru 

Online Donation Options

Planned Gifts

Often donors don’t realize all the benefits that planned giving can bring to an individual and the charity that they support. You can leave a legacy behind by ensuring that Isha’s life transforming work continues beyond your lifetime.

Planned giving involves providing for a future gift to charities through your financial and estate plans while gaining from several tax benefits.

There are several ways to make your planned gifts. Some of the options include contribution through your will, charitable trust, insurance policy, or retirement plan. You should always consult your financial, tax and legal professional for guidance on your individual financial situation before making such contribution.

Charitable Bequests

A charitable bequest is a gift of property or a sum of money given through your will. Charitable gifts made through your will are 100 percent deductible for estate tax purposes. Bequests may be written as a percentage, residual, or specific monetary amount.

Life Insurance

Gifts of life insurance are an excellent way to support Isha. You may name Isha as the owner and beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy that may no longer be needed for its intended purpose. You can take an immediate federal tax deduction for the approximate cash value of the donated policy. Isha will immediately begin to receive the dividends from the policy and will ultimately receive the insurance proceeds as well.

Retirement Plan

You may name Isha as beneficiary of all, or a portion of, your retirement account assets such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, or other qualified plan.

Once you decide you would like to support Isha’s work, simply provide your attorney with our legal designation language:

Isha Foundation, Inc.
951 Isha Lane
McMinnville, TN 37110

Isha Foundation, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Isha Foundation’s tax identification number is 62-1794866 .

If you are interested in making a planned gift or like to discuss further, please contact 931-668-1900, or donate@ishausa.org.