
Guru Purnima

The Fullness of Knowing

21 July 2024, 6:30 PM IST

"Gu means darkness, Ru means dispeller. One who dispels your darkness is a Guru." — Sadhguru

Significance of Guru Purnima

The first full moon after the summer solstice in the month of Ashadha (July-August) is known as Guru Purnima. This sacred day marks the first transmission of the Yogic sciences from Adiyogi, or the first Yogi, to his first disciples, the Saptarishis, the seven celebrated sages. Thus, Adiyogi became the Adi Guru or first Guru on this day. The Saptarishis carried this knowing throughout the world and even today, every spiritual process on the planet draws from the spine of knowing created by Adiyogi. 

The word “Guru” in Sanskrit is translated as “dispeller of darkness.” A Guru dispels a seeker’s ignorance, allowing him to experience the source of creation within. The day of Guru Purnima is traditionally the time when seekers offer the Guru their gratitude and receive his blessings. Guru Purnima is also considered an especially beneficial day for Yogic practices and meditation.

Why Do We Celebrate Guru Purnima?

Guru Purnima has always been celebrated in India as the day the first Guru was born and the transmission of the timeless science of Yoga began. For the first time in human history, on this day, Adiyogi opened up the possibility for the human race to transcend the limitations set by nature. In Sadhguru’s words, “It is on this day, for the very first time in the history of humanity, that human beings were reminded that they are not a fixed life. If they are willing to strive, every door in the existence is open.” 

Sadhguru has given us a guided schedule for this day, designed to help us become receptive to Grace. The event will be led by an Ishanga and streamed live from the Isha Yoga Center in India. 

You are warmly invited to join the celebrations in person at Isha Institute of Inner-sciences in Tennessee, Isha Yoga Center in LA, select city centers nationwide or online. 

Additional offerings will be available for participation at the in-person celebrations. If you are unable to attend in person, you can join online.

Open to all ages 8+

Ways to Attend

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences

-Spend the day in a consecrated space and meditate at Adiyogi: The Abode of Yoga. 

-Trigun offering and Adiyogi sutras are available at the Abode. 

Time: 6-8 pm CT 

Isha Yoga Center LA

-Sadhana Time: 8am - 6pm PT

-Surya Shakti: 9-10:45am & 4-5:45pm PT

-Guru Purnima Streaming: 6-8pm PT

Open to those who have learned Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya

City Centers

Join Online

9 am ET / 6 am PT

Watch the Livestream on 21 July

Annadanam: Traditionally, offering food to spiritual seekers was considered the most supreme offering which is known as Annadanam. This ancient practice is a spiritual path in itself, and many beings down through the ages have attained to wonderful states by offering food to one and all. Even if you are not able to attend in person,food can be offered on your behalf through your contribution for Annadanam. You can also invite your family and friends to participate in the Annadanam process.