"Begitu pikiran, emosi dan energimu terorganisir, tubuhmu juga akan terorganisir dengan sendirinya. Begitu keempat hal ini terorganisir dalam satu arah, kemampuanmu untuk menciptakan dan mewujudkan apa yang kamu inginkan menjadi fenomenal." — Sadhguru
Apa itu Chit Shakti?
Power To Create - Love (Mp3 Audio)
Sadhguru explains the nature of love and tells you how, by spending just a few minutes a day, you can make love a constant presence in your life.
Power To Create - Health (Mp3 Audio)
Sadhguru gives us the unique yogic perspective in the Power to Create meditation for health. By paying attention to a few simple fundamentals, you can ensure good health for yourself.
Power To Create - Success (Mp3 Audio)
Through the Power to Create meditation for success, Sadhguru points out some essential qualities you should cultivate in both, the mind & body to generate clarity of mind.
Power To Create - Peace (Mp3 Audio)
Through the Power to Create meditation for peace, Sadhguru explains a way to create a chemistry of peace within you by untangling yourself from the things that bind you.