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Sadhguru Gurukulam

“A Guru is a cascade of energy. You have to soak your spiritual seed in it. It shall sprout.” - Sadhguru

Sadhguru Gurukulam

“A Guru is a cascade of energy. You have to soak your spiritual seed in it. It shall sprout.” - Sadhguru

In the Yogic tradition, the grace of a living Guru is seen as essential for inner transformation. The Guru creates the right ambience for one to imbibe, explore, and experience profound dimensions of life, and become a full-fledged human being.

Drawing from this age-old tradition, Sadhguru Gurukulam is an initiative that is firmly rooted in timeless Yogic wisdom, yet vitally relevant to current times. Empowering individuals with tools for transformation, Sadhguru Gurukulam offers a variety of programs in Yogic practices and Indian Classical Arts. Designed by Sadhguru, these programs are carefully crafted to raise human consciousness through individual transformation.


Samskriti is envisioned by Sadhguru as an offering to children. Dedicated to a child's overall development, it enables them to realize their full potential - physically, mentally, and spiritually through a unique blend of Yogic practices, Indian classical arts, martial arts such as Kalaripayattu, and Sanskrit.

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