
A Taste Of Well Being: Sadhguru's Insight's For Your Gastronomics

About the Book

In the Yogic tradition, food is alive, with a prana of its own. When consumed, the quality of the food influences the qualities of your body and mind. In A Taste of Well-Being, you will find a wealth of recipes that have been perfected in the kitchen of the Isha Yoga Center, enjoyed by millions of visitors for over twenty years. Ranging from refreshing juices to salads, from complete meals of grains, cereals, and curries to tasty desserts for those with a sweet tooth, the positive-pranic adaptations of each dish are a treasure for all those who always wished healthy eating could also be tasty!


“Food, eating, is a demonstration of the oneness of existence. Something that was a plant, something that was a seed, something that was an animal or a fish or a bird, just merging and becoming a human being, is a clear demonstration of the oneness of existence, of the hand of the Creator in everything that is. Make the simple act of eating into fulfilling the will of Creation and the tremendous experience of knowing the joy of Union.” - Sadhguru, A Taste of Well-Being

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