“However simple the sadhana is, if you work at it every day, slowly, step-by-step, it will create a new level of freedom within you.” ― Sadhguru
“However simple the sadhana is, if you work at it every day, slowly, step-by-step, it will create a new level of freedom within you.” ― Sadhguru
Participants spend 21 days staying in the Isha Yoga Center, at the foothills of Velliangiri Mountains, to establish their sadhana. A 21-day period has a certain significance in the human system. By spending these 3 weeks in the consecrated space of the Yoga Center, doing focused and guided sadhana, one can accelerate one's inner transformation.
The Isha Yoga Center provides the environment for you to shift to healthier lifestyles, seek a higher level of self-fulfillment and realize your full potential.
Please note that this sadhana is open only for those who have completed the Inner Engineering or Isha Yoga program and have been initiated into Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya.
Bhava Spandana Program
Bhava Spandana Program is an advanced meditation program designed by Sadhguru to provide the opportunity to go beyond the limitations of body and mind and experience higher levels of consciousness.
Through Yogasanas one can transform the body and mind into a possibility for ultimate wellbeing. Yogasanas are not exercises, but rather subtle processes to manipulate one’s energy in a particular direction.
Bhairavi Sadhana - Dont Use
The Bhairavi Sadhana is a powerful period of sadhana for men and ladies. It is an opportunity to bring forth devotion from within.