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  • Sadhguru Exclusive

Of Mystic And Mistakes

About the Book

“There are only two types of people: mystics and mistakes,” says Sadhguru. That sounds damning, but mistakes can thankfully be rectified, and that is the hope this book holds out to seekers. It reminds us that each one of us can make the journey – from confusion to clarity, from error to enlightenment, from self-deception to self-discovery – if only we choose.


“To put it very simply – if you are seeing life just the way it is, you are a mystic in the world’s eyes. If there are large mistakes in your perception, you are a mistake considering yourself to be normal. This may sound cruel, but if you genuinely want to know, the sooner you do away with all the nonsense in you, the better it is...

So, there is a whole big mistake about the way we are perceiving life. When this gets corrected, people think you are a mystic because you are beginning to perceive life in such a way that you cannot fit it into logic; it is way beyond logic. Logic is just a small part of your life – you can never fit life into it.” - Sadhguru, Of Mystics and Mistakes

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