Sadhguru: In the yogic culture, Buddha Purnima is a very significant day in any spiritual aspirant’s life because this is the third purnima after the earth shifts to the northern run of the sun. Today, in commemoration of Gautama the Buddha, we have named it after him. Buddha Purnima, is seen as Buddha’s day of [...]
Sadhguru: George Gurdjieff, who lived in Russia in the early part of the twentieth century, was a wonderful master. But Gurdjieff was known as a rascal saint because his methods were very drastic and he did crazy things with people. He played unbearable tricks on people! He had a powerful presence in England and when [...]
Over thousands of years, India has produced a multitude of realized beings, sages and seers. Sadhguru describes a few examples from this culture of realization. Sadhguru: A lot of people think that a spiritual process is a dumbed-down version of life. Society has made this conclusion simply because we have unfortunately seen a few bad [...]
After exploring who Shiva is in the first part of the series “Getting to Know Shiva,” in this part, Sadhguru looks at four significant places where Shiva has spent time, and elaborates on the power and energy of these spaces. Click Image to Enlarge Embed this infographic Sadhguru: In the yogic culture, Shiva is not [...]
Are other cultures aware of Shiva? Sadhguru explains how, in some way, the mystical sciences have been present in every culture. Q: Why do other cultures not speak about Shiva? Sadhguru: There was no enlightened being who did not talk about Shiva, in the sense of a boundless dimension, or something beyond physical nature. The [...]
Sadhguru: Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lived as a very intense devotee for most of his life. He was a devotee of Kali. For him, Kali was not a deity, Kali was a living reality. She danced in front of him, she ate from his own hands, she came when he called, and she left him dripping with [...]
The International Day of Yoga just went by on June 21. Across the planet, millions of people practiced yoga, making it one of India’s most cherished gifts to the world. But long before the UN declared the Yoga Day, the land of Bharat was seen as a source of the spiritual sciences. For many millennia, [...]
Sadhguru: There was a fabulous saint in Andhra Pradesh named Vemana. There is no home in Andhra Pradesh who would not have at least a little book about him. Though his name was something else, they called him Vemana. When he was a young boy, he was known to be an utter fool. He lived [...]