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Learn About the Event
During the Celebrations, You Can Enjoy:

- Upa Yoga - Physical yoga to relieve stress and boost energy
- Isha Kriya - Powerful meditation for beginners to bring clarity, health, and joy.
- Nada Yoga - The yoga of sound which can strengthen one’s physical and mental constitution and bring tremendous balance and wellbeing.
- Yoga Namaskar - A physical yoga practice that nurtures the physical, psychological and energy dimensions.

Plan Your Day
IMPORTANT: Please note times listed below are Central Standard Time (CST)
Tap on an event for more details
Adiyogi: Abode of Yoga
Yoga and Meditation Sessions
Ages 7+
Whether you’re seeking health and joy or peace and wellbeing, the simple practices offered in these sessions are designed to help you cut through the struggle and walk through life with ease
(Empty or light stomach is recommended)
Isha Kriya: Guided Meditation
Ages 12+
A simple and powerful meditation for clarity, health and joy.
Yoga Namaskar
Ages 7+
A physical yoga practice that nurtures the physical, psychological and energy dimensions of a human being.
Nada Yoga: The Yoga of Sound
Ages 7+
When practiced daily, this simple meditation can strengthen one’s physical and mental constitution and bring about tremendous balance and well-being.
Healthy Cooking Class
Dining Hall
Pranic foods supply abundant life energy to the system that supports the liveliness of the body and an alert, peaceful mind. Come learn a yummy, highly-pranic vegetarian recipe that you can easily take home and prepare on your own.
Guided Hikes
Meet on west side of food court
Guided hikes to waterfalls or a bluff vista.
Family-Friendly Activities
Activity Field
Vegetarian Lunch
Dining Hall
Globally-inspired vegetarian selections along with a tasty and creative juice bar are available for purchase throughout the day.
Isha Shoppe
Yoga gear, books, and handmade crafts available at Isha Shoppe from 8am-9pm.
Adiyogi: The Abode of Yoga
A powerful meditation space open throughout the day.
Special Offering
A special offering at Adiyogi: The Abode of Yoga
Arathi at Adiyogi: The Abode of Yoga
To help us schedule enough sessions, please RSVP if you are planning to attend World Peace Day.
Nestled in the verdant forests of Tennessee’s Upper Cumberland, Isha Institute of Inner-sciences offers a much-needed mountain retreat for visitors looking to relax and recharge.

Connect with Nature
Explore more than 10 miles of hiking trails, leading you to dramatic waterfalls, calming pools and streams, and breathtaking overlooks with sweeping views of undulating mountains.

A Tranquil Environment in your Backyard
Just a 1.5-hour drive from Nashville and only 45 minutes from Chattanooga, this 1,400-acre spiritual center might feel a world away, but it’s close enough for a quick day trip.

Just a 1.5-hour drive from Nashville and only 45 minutes from Chattanooga, this 1,400-acre classical yoga and meditation center might feel a world away, but it’s close enough for a quick day trip.
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