Sadhguru Satsang
Full Moon Flirtations

A Satsang with Sadhguru every Purnima (full moon night)

Next Satsang is on 18 Jan, 18:00 GMT / 19:00 CET


"On Full Moon nights there is a heightened level of energy both within and without. There are ways to harness this energy towards health, Blissfulness and Success." —Sadhguru

For people on the spiritual path, full moon nights are conducive for meditation as nature gives you a free ride of energy. Sadhguru will be offering a monthly full moon Satsang, opening a doorway to seekers across the globe to imbibe the spiritual possibilities of a full moon night.

This Satsang can be an unprecedented possibility to render every full moon night into a stepping stone towards realizing your ultimate nature.

buring questions
Find answers to your burning questions.
Join powerful meditative processes.
Explore a deeper dimension of life in the presence of a living master.
Never expected that meditation with Sadhguru even through online would bring such intense experiences, Can't Explain it in words.

Annamalai Suresh, Vadodara
The guided meditation was phenomenal. I was soaked in tears without my knowledge. My experience of being one with entire cosmos was surreal.

Meghna, Jodhpur

A few things you need to know

  • Registration is free of cost and mandatory.
  • Every Satsang will start at 18:00 GMT / 19:00 CET
  • Prepared to spend 1.5 to 2 hours of committed time.
  • Prior participation in Isha Yoga programs is not required
  • You can also watch the livestream in Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, Russian, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin and Arabic.

Register for FREE

How to make the most of the Satsang


A few guidelines which will enhance your receptivity and enable you to make the best use of this opportunity:

  • It is important that the Satsang is experienced in its integrity. Please dedicate this time exclusively for this purpose, and ensure that there is no disturbance or interruption (like using the restroom, taking calls or checking messages) for the entire duration of 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
  • We recommend using a laptop or a desktop to join the Satsang.
  • Please ensure to join by 7 PM, as you may not be able to join after the Satsang begins. It is best to login at least 15 minutes ahead of time. The platform will be open 30 minutes before the start time.
  • Please ensure that you are on a light stomach (there must be a gap of at least 2.5 hours after your last meal), and do not consume anything during the Satsang.
  • You can create a conducive atmosphere by lighting an oil lamp (not mandatory).
  • It is best to sit on the floor. If that is not possible, you can sit on a chair.

Upcoming Satsangs

(on every Purnima at 18:00 GMT / 19:00 CET)
Satsang will be open to join 30 mins before the scheduled time
Jan 2022 - 18th (Tue)


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