
Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya Chant

“The significance of Adiyogi is he provided methods to evolve human consciousness that are relevant for all times.” ―Sadhguru

The Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya chant by #Sadhguru, an acknowledgement of the unparalleled contribution of Shiva — the first yogi — to humanity. Shiva has numerous forms that encompass every possible quality that the human mind can perceive and beyond. Among all these, there are five forms that are considered fundamental – Yogeshwara, Bhuteshwara, Kaleshwara, Sarveshwara and Shambho. Learn More…

The practice of this chant generates ushna or heat in the system and can be beneficial to boost one’s immune system.

Listen to Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya Chant here:

Lyrics in English:

Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya
Bhuta Bhuta Bhuteshwaraya
Kala Kala Kaleshwaraya
Shiva Shiva Sarveshwaraya
Shambho Shambho Mahadevaya

Translation of the Chant:

“Salutations to the One,
The Yogeshwara, who has transcended the physical,
Bhuteshwara, one who has mastered the five elements,
Kaleshwara, one who has mastered time and is beyond its cycles,
Sarveshwara, one who is everywhere, and is the basis of everything, Salutations to Shambho, the greatest of all, the Mahadeva.”


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