"Shivanga is a possibility to become an embodiment of Shiva - The Source of Creation."
A powerful sadhana offered by Sadhguru to bring forth devotion from within and enhance your receptivity to Shiva.
An online experience featuring an offering of chants and songs to Shiva to nurture and kindle the flames of devotion within one's heart.
Upcoming session: 2 October 2024
A powerful musical offering, traditionally performed at Shiva temples, to aid you in realizing the state of Shiva.
To volunteer is to become willing. To be willing beyond personal choices is the way to liberation.
An initiative to maintain cleanliness, preserve the natural ecology and sanctity of the Velliangiri Mountains, also called the "Kailash of the South".
"When you open your heart to give, the grace of the Divine invariably seeps into it."
Support fellow seekers on their spiritual path. Contribute to temple upkeep and various other initiatives led by the Shivanga team.