The Fascinating Ways in Which the Moon Influences Our Bodies and Minds

It is not mere superstition: Sun, Moon, and the other planets in our solar system impact us throughout our lives, and even in death. Learn more as Sadhguru explores our celestial connection.

Questioner: My husband passed away last full moon day. Does it help a dying person to pass away on a full moon day?

Navagrahas: Nine Aspects of Celestial Impact

Sadhguru: We identify nine aspects of the celestial arrangement that influence our life. We call these Surya, Chandra, Mangala, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu, and Ketu. Surya means Sun, Chandra means Moon, Mangala means Mars, Budha means Mercury, Guru means Jupiter, Shukra means Venus. Rahu is the ascending North node of the Moon, and Ketu is the descending South node of the Moon. Rahu is responsible for causing solar eclipses; Ketu is responsible for causing lunar eclipses. Rahu and Ketu are points where the paths of the Sun and the Moon intersect as they traverse the celestial sphere.

Sun and Moon, the Primary Influencers

The word graha means perception. But, if you look at it from the other side, it could also be defined as influence. Among the celestial objects that our physical bodies perceive energetically and whose movements or positions we are influenced by, the Sun and the Moon are most important. We are made of the Earth, but the Sun and the Moon play a very significant role. We are born here and we are sitting here today because our mothers’ bodies were in sync with the cycles of the Moon.

When the Moon Got Married to Daksha’s 27 Daughters

There’s a beautiful story about how the Moon married Daksha’s 27 daughters. Daksha said, “I’ll give my daughters to you only if you are willing to treat and honor all of them the same way.”

But over a period of time, slowly, the Moon started leaning towards a favorite one who earned his love more. That made the others angry, and they started waning. So, this is how the Moon’s cycle around the Earth became 27 days and almost 8 hours because he leaned that much towards her. The others are always expressing anger – some going totally black, others going into a sliver of the Moon[1] because they are overshadowed by her.

It is a fantastic way of talking astronomy. There are stories inside stories as to how the celestial geometry around us works. Yoga looks at it just as forms and pure geometry, but the Hindu culture looks at it in a dialectical way. The same geometry has been converted into fantastic stories.

The full moon day belongs to his favorite wife; she is more and brighter than others. She got that extra shine on her because Chandra, the King of the Moon, is paying extra attention to her. On that day, there are many benefits.

[1] An image for the different phases of the Moon

How Gravitational Forces of the Moon Influence Your Bodily Functions

Today, there are studies which show that the pulmonary action, the movement of blood and nutrients, and other aspects of life work at their best on full moon days. It has also been found that the survival rate for heart surgeries is much higher on full moon nights and new moon days.

When the full moon rises, as the ocean is rising, the Moon is capable of increasing secretions from the pineal gland.

But, when it comes to the nervous system, full moon and new moon days work against you because on those days, the gravitational forces of the Moon generate more energy. As you know, the oceans are rising. Within you too, all the fluids, liquids, and secretions are rising. Your whole system is minutely managed by a variety of secretions. And when the full moon rises, as the ocean is rising, the Moon is capable of increasing secretions from the pineal gland.

If you have any neurological issues, you may feel much more disturbed and crackly on full moon days. If there are already issues in the neural pathways, like in electrical connections, if there is more power, it crackles much more, which causes trouble. But when it comes to your moods and how your body feels right now, it is all about how efficiently the fluid management and the secretions are happening.

Why Is It Considered Auspicious to Die on a Full Moon Night?

On full moon nights, everything concerned with fluids within your system is doing great. When you are in a good state like that, generally in India, it is seen as a good day to die. We want to die on a good day. You must go when everything is good, when you are feeling great.

I do not want to go into the details about someone passing on a full moon night, but there is a certain sequence of life why, generally, it is considered auspicious for you to pass on that day. Especially if you pass with awareness, you could die in a much more pleasant manner on that day.