Vishuddhi: The Mystical Power of Blue

Out of the seven major chakras, Vishuddhi is probably the most enigmatic one. How come hardly any of our Yogic practices seem to be focusing on this energy center while it is such a focus point in the depiction of Adiyogi? Read on to find out.

Sadhguru: Vishuddhi essentially means “filter.” Vishuddhi is one dimension that we normally skip because one aspect of being active in Vishuddhi is that it enables you to become competent in the occult. The occult essentially means that if your energies are centered in Vishuddhi and you have reasonable mastery over it, you start functioning on a different level of competence that may make others see you as superhuman. But all that has happened is that you have accessed other ways to function.

In many ways, Adiyogi is a representative of that, to the extent that many of his names are related to his Vishuddhi. He is called Vishakantha, Neelakantha, and many other names that represent him as an embodiment of Vishuddhi, not because that was his only quality but people recognize only what is beyond their understanding.

It is like if you say “Jesus,” the first thing that comes to most people’s mind is “He walked on water,” even though that is not all he did and said. Likewise, Adiyogi or Shiva is famous for the things that he did that other people considered as impossible or beyond normal capability. People started recognizing him for his Vishuddhi capabilities; his other capabilities were too subtle for them to notice.

People expected something that was beyond their understanding of what is considered normal – in other words, they expected something “weird.” If you put people on Vishuddhi sadhana, you will have many individuals that may be perceived as “weirdos” by others.

Let us say one society developed a “sacred tradition” of cutting off children’s noses after birth, based on the belief that it would increase their oxygen intake by 22%, and be much healthier and better. If one person showed up into such a society with an intact nose, he would be looked at as a weirdo.

If one’s Vishuddhi becomes active, it unlocks energy capabilities that are beyond what others consider normal. To transmit and transform the situations around us, having a certain capacity of the Vishuddhi is essential. But, if one is focused on Vishuddhi, it is a little hard to fit into the social structure.

You would have heard stories of Adiyogi: sometimes he is very resplendent, magnificent, an embodiment of masculinity; some other times he is weird, crazy, and in different states. When people saw him in Vishuddhi, he was in the cremation ground, the weirdest of the weird. He had the Ganas and every kind of being around him, because the moment Vishuddhi is active, disembodied beings will naturally move towards you.

When we were consecrating Dhyanalinga, I was preparing people for different chakras, but Vishuddhi is one aspect I could not train anyone for because we did not have anyone “weird” enough for a quick transformation, considering the time constraints that we had. So I decided to use a certain disembodied being, a Yogi who had attained a certain level of strength in the Vishuddhi.

Around 400 people had gathered that night. The moment we started the process, one particular cobra somehow crawled through this crowd unnoticed, and came to sit in a small pit that I had made to do something. I saw this guy was trying to have a free ride with me. I picked him up, put him in a bag, and told someone to take him to the forest and release him there, which they did. In another few hours, again he was back in the same pit. He wanted to be there because he saw that this was his chance.

When your Vishuddhi is active, you can be in sweetness of emotion, have discernment of mind, and navigate the world whichever way you want while remaining untouched by it.

When I used to meditate for long hours, I sometimes went to Chamundi Hill or otherwise to a small forest called Aloka near Mysuru. When I sat there in the afternoon and meditated for a few hours, once I opened my eyes, there would be 12 to 15 cobras sitting in front of me and waiting for a free ride. The moment the Vishuddhi becomes active, they will be there. This is what the symbolism of Adiyogi having a cobra around his neck indicates: his Vishuddhi is so active that the cobra will not leave his neck.

Once again, the Vishuddhi is something that we normally skip with most people because those seeking realization need not go through all these works. But one who wants to explore the technologies of life, one who wants to transmit, one who wants to become some kind of a repository for the future, that one has to go through all this. For one who wants to just realize, none of these things are necessary. It is very simple; with just a knock on your head, it should happen.

One who becomes focused on Vishuddhi will develop an electric blue aura. This is why the very active, capable beings of the past have always been described as blue-bodied in India. This is not because their skin was blue, but those who had the necessary awareness saw that these beings had blue auras. In India, there are so many stories about the blue bodied ones. The blue body symbolizes activity or dynamism, along with sweetness of emotion and discernment of the mind.

If there is too much sweetness of emotion, you may not want to engage with the world; you are just fine the way you are. If discernment of mind or intellect reaches a point of absolute clarity of perception, then you do not want to involve in the world. You become aloof. You have nothing to do with anybody.

The Vishuddhi is located between Anahata and Agna. When your Vishuddhi is active, you can be in sweetness of emotion, have discernment of mind, and navigate the world whichever way you want while remaining untouched by it. In such a way of being, you are in a different kind of love affair, not with anybody or anything. Your emotions become entirely yours, to make them as you wish.